Why Do My Cervicals Hurt? Causes And Natural Remedies

Although we do not relate it, cervical pain can be a reflection of an excess of responsibility. If this is the case, relaxing and practicing some stretching could subside.

Many people regularly suffer severe cervical pain or discomfort that makes it impossible for them to follow their routine in a normal way. They can also cause headaches or dizziness, as well as difficulties in being in the same posture.

In this article we review the 6 most frequent causes of these pains, some surprising and unknown, as well as the natural solutions that will help us put an end to this problem  without the need to take medication.

1. Relationship with the heart

Each part of the body is the reflection of some organ, so any discomfort or pain always indicates a function that we should improve. In this sense, the body shows amazing intelligence to help us take care of it in the right way.

In the case of cervicals, the organ that could be affected is the heart, especially if we suffer pain in the late hours of the day. In addition, taking into account our family and personal history, we will have to make regular reviews.

We can also take supplements based on magnesium, hawthorn and olive. 

2. Excess of responsibility

On an emotional level there is also always a relationship that we must take into account, since negative emotions can damage our body in a subtle and progressive way.

Those who suffer from chronic neck pain may feel an excess of responsibility, a burden that they are carrying on their shoulders with anguish and stress. It can be related to work, family or personal issues.

To help us in this psychological plane we can turn to a therapist specialized in homeopathy of Lords of Bach. He will be able to prescribe 100% natural personalized remedies, without any risk of dependence or other side effects. Up to 7 flowers can be taken at a time.

Some of the most common for these cases are:

  • Elm (Elm).
  • Oak (Oak).
  • Olivo (Olive).
  • Centáurea (Centaury).

3. Reflection of the uterus in women

If the pain is centered in the sixth cervical vertebra and, in addition, it appears swollen, in the case of women it would refer to the uterus. This localized inflammation can be common, especially in the climacteric and menopausal stages. 

To treat this pain we can take natural supplements that help us balance hormones without altering any other function of the body:

  • Sage.
  • Evening primrose.
  • Chasteberry.
  • Wormwood.
  • Garlic.

A suction cup (technique known as cupping) can also be applied  just above the sixth cervical vertebra for about ten minutes, once a week. For this we recommend going to a professional.

4. Lack of hydration

Drinking water during the day, 1 to 2 liters, is a recommendation that we have heard many times. What in all probability we do not know are the consequences of not following this advice and letting our body dehydrate every day, drinking water when we already feel thirsty.

One of the negative health effects can be  muscle contractures, especially in the upper back area. 

To drink the necessary and recommended amount of water, we should start with a glass on an empty stomach, a while before breakfast. For the water to have a medicinal effect, it is advisable to always drink it outside of meals.

5. Bad posture in front of the computer

How many hours do we spend each day sitting in front of the computer or television? Our body is not prepared for a sedentary lifestyle, but rather for continuous movement.

When we are sitting for a long time, waiting for a screen, we usually exert pressure on the neck area that affects the entire cervical area. To avoid this, it is advisable to get up every half hour, stretch and play sports at least twice a week.

6. Cervical injuries

In some cases, neck pain may be caused by an injury. In these cases, we must go to a specialist to diagnose our case and, from there, assess which professionals can help us, such as physiotherapists or osteopaths.

If we have to resort to any treatment to relieve pain, we recommend trying supplements based on curcumin, made from turmeric.

It is a natural remedy that has a high anti-inflammatory and analgesic power and does not carry negative side effects for our health.

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