What Is The Recommended Diet For Breastfeeding

It is very important that during breastfeeding we feed ourselves properly so that neither the baby nor we suffer from any type of deficiency that could put our health at risk

No one can deny that one of the best stages in every woman’s life is the moment when she becomes a mother. However, with the new member of the family, there are some concerns that need to be resolved. One of them is the diet indicated for breastfeeding.

Although it may seem like a topic that does not require much attention, the reality is very different. It can fall into two extremes that are not healthy at all.

  • The first extreme is that you go overboard with portions , although not necessarily with the nutrients, and you end up being overweight that affects your health.
  • The second case is that you fall short in nutrients and when you feed your baby you end up with a nutritional deficiency.

Since you will be in charge of giving your baby the first nutrients, it is important that you make sure you eat the correct foods.

Next we will give you some advice on the diet indicated for lactation . You will see that it is not impossible nor does it require dramatic changes. In any case, you just need to pay a little attention when organizing your menus.

The diet indicated for breastfeeding is

1. Salmon


Salmon is one of the best foods that we can include in our diet, regardless of your health or characteristics.

It is the first food in the diet indicated for breastfeeding because it provides fatty acids, which are vital for the development of your baby’s nervous system.  In general, your breast milk provides this compound by itself and by consuming salmon, you increase the amount.

In addition, some studies have shown that fatty acids also fight and prevent Postpartum depression .

We believe that these two reasons are more than enough to include salmon at least twice a week in your diet.

2. Low-fat dairy

Another ingredient that should be in the diet indicated for breastfeeding is milk and its derivatives (yogurt, cheese, cream, etc.). All of these products contain vitamin D, which is vital for the development and strengthening of your baby’s bones .

In addition, they provide protein and B vitamins that improve calcium absorption. It is important that you consume these products several times a day to ensure that you have calcium to your newborn without risk of presenting problems in the future.

Even if you are very young, your body demineralizes when you breastfeed your baby. The best thing is that you don’t have to get bored eating the same thing.

  • In the morning you can add a little milk to your morning smoothie.
  • In the afternoon, add a piece of cheese to your salads and in the evening include a cup of yogurt.

3. Lean meats

lean meats

Lean meats are also vital in the diet indicated for lactation. As a mom, you will get enough iron and energy to care for your child and keep up with your activities. .

Also, if you had any bleeding problem during delivery, it is necessary recover hemoglobin levels and the best way is through the iron of the meat.

As for your baby, by including lean meats, your milk will have more completely natural protein and vitamin B12 that help the development of your little one.

Remember that the recommendation with lean meats is to consume them with as little fat and salt as possible. Choose the dishes that are baked, grilled, roasted and the like. In addition, it is recommended that you choose excellent quality meats.

We understand that this may require a greater investment, but think that, in the future, your baby’s health and yours will reflect the efforts made.

4. Black beans


We know that some people want or should reduce the amount of meat they eat. If this is your case, then you should know that part of the diet indicated for breastfeeding includes black beans.

They are one of the best sources of non- animal protein although you should watch the portions as they provide enough carbohydrates . Consider that one serving is equal to half a cup of cooked beans (126 g).

In order not to get bored of eating beans all the time, you can try various recipes and types. Also, you can occasionally swap the beans for their broth. This usually contains a lot of nutrients and is a good base for a vegetable soup.

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