What Can I Eat While I Have A Sore Throat

In order not to damage the area, which will be more sensitive while we have a sore throat, we should choose soft foods and, contrary to popular belief, cold rather than hot

When we suffer from a sore throat, the discomfort is so great that we do not want to try solid foods and we tolerate very little liquids. However, hydration and nutrition are vital when we are sick, even if it hurts when food passes through our throat.

Swallowing can be a bit difficult, but we must do our best to eat during illness. For this reason, in this article we tell you what you can eat when you have inflammation of the pharynx.

Why does a sore throat occur?

Before moving on to the list of foods allowed when our throat hurts, it would be good to know the main causes. This ailment affects millions of people every year, especially in winter:

Bacterial infections

Bacterial infections can lead to accumulation of pus and inflammation. In addition, for its treatment it is necessary to consume the appropriate antibiotics.

Tonsillitis and pharyngitis are two of the most common conditions due to bacteria. Therefore, this is the first of the causes of this condition.


Sore throat from viruses

It is another of the most common causes of a sore throat. The pathologies within this group are various. Among them, the flu and mononucleosis stand out.

Viruses also cause increased mucus, fever, sneezing and general malaise. All these symptoms usually appear together in these cases.


Reaction to an allergen results in throat discomfort when swallowing. It can also lead to breathing difficulties.

Antihistamines are the remedies used to treat  allergies. The doctor will be the one who will make the proper diagnosis and treatment for our case.


Irritation can cause a sore throat

The last cause that we detail must be differentiated from typical allergies. Allergies have to do with the most common allergens, such as pollen or dust.

Instead, they  appear as a reaction to a particular external stimulus. These can be cigarette smoke or air conditioning.

How to eat when my throat hurts?

To begin with, the range of culinary possibilities is very limited when we have a sore throat. Our feeling is that  anything that goes through it will increase our discomfort.

Even that happens with water, tea or soup (what we usually consume the most in these cases). In addition to eating a nutritious diet during illness, heed these tips.

Soft and chunky foods

  • Choose soft and smooth foods:  Better if you opt for menus that include creamy foods to avoid more pain when swallowing. Do not forget that each tablespoon you eat must have many calories because you may eat two or three and you will not bear the discomfort anymore.
  • Soak food: Warm  broth or milk makes food softer. For example, bread or breakfast cereals. In this way they will pass through your throat faster and will generate less discomfort.

What to eat when we have a sore throat

  • Cut food into small pieces:  Be it meat, vegetables or cereals. Everything can be cut very thin (as if it were to eat a baby) to avoid sore throats.
  • Choose cooked vegetables and fruits:  All those vegetables that can be eaten raw will be better than boiled. This is the case, for example, of carrots, celery or apple whose bites can scratch the throat quite a bit.

Cold and unseasoned foods

  • Eat cold foods:  Ice cream, gelatin or yogurt soothes a sore throat. Unlike what is believed, tea or broth, although comforting when it is cold, does not relieve inflammation, quite the opposite.

    Eat cold foods when you have a sore throat

    • Avoid very strong or spicy food:  Citrus fruits, tomatoes, and dishes with a lot of spices are not good on sick days. All of them can further irritate the area and be painful to swallow. Also avoid sauces and dishes that are too hot.
    • Other foods to avoid are crunchy or rough foods such as french fries, toasts, and batters. Nor would it be good to consume whole nuts or seeds.

    Lastly, hydrate yourself more than usual. If you usually drink little water, this is the time to start changing your habits.

    In the event that you are a natural drinker of liquids, it would also be good to increase the amount. Remember that when we are sick we need to hydrate a lot, especially if we had or have a fever.

    Foods allowed when throat hurts

    Foods allowed when you have a sore throat

    We have already given you some tips on what to eat when you have a sore throat. But the list is even bigger and therefore gives you the possibility to enjoy many recipes and preparations, both sweet and savory. The options are endless, although the main ones are in the following list:

    • Vegetable broth without rice or noodles, or warm soups with finely chopped vegetables.
    • Mashed potatoes, carrots or zucchini (or mixed together). Also cooked and crushed creams or vegetables.
    • White rice something “past”. Fine and cooked noodles or pasta (preferably fresh pasta instead of dry).
    • Steamed fish without bones (for example, hake or monkfish). Also steamed chicken, or boiled shredded (do not eat the driest parts like the breast).
    • Boiled egg, or potato omelette.
    • Soft cheeses (eg spreadable, creamy or cottage cheese). Also pate (vegetable or not).
    • Vegetable and fruit juices and smoothies, and cooked fruits. Also soft fruits, such as banana or watermelon in small pieces.
    • Soft or soaked desserts (yogurt, gelatin, custard, pudding, ice cream)
    • Cereals soaked in yogurt or milk (milk as long as there is no phlegm and mucus)
    • Herbal tea with lemon, honey and ginger for example.
    • Coffee (small amount, it can be with milk).

    Home remedies for a sore throat

    To speed up the healing process and suffer as little as possible every time you eat something, we suggest some last remedies for a sore throat:

    • Gargle:  With warm water (if you want, you can add a little salt) and repeat several times a day. The water will hydrate the sore throat. Be careful not to overdo it to avoid dry mucous membranes.
    • Candy:  Something you can eat because you will only swallow “sweet” saliva. They can be honey, mint or eucalyptus candies.

    Candy for a sore throat

    • Honey An excellent antiseptic that can be consumed by the spoonful. To avoid burning when swallowing, we recommend that it be liquid and warm.

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