Tourniquet: How To Do It And What Effect Does It Have

Performing a tourniquet is one of the riskiest first aid techniques. If not done correctly, the person could bleed out. We tell you how to do it the right way.

When someone is in a serious accident, bleeding can occur and if no action is taken to stop it, the person affected could be in danger of bleeding. Therefore, it is important to know how to make a tourniquet and stop the blood flow in a timely manner.

Unless a first aid course has been taken, it is rare for someone to know how to do it properly. Below you will discover how to carry out this procedure step by step and what happens when it is done.

How is a tourniquet made?

If you are about to perform a tourniquet, it is very normal for you to feel distressed by the severity of the situation and the injury. However, staying calm is very important to do it correctly and ensure the success of the procedure. To carry it out, you must follow the steps we describe below.

1. Gather the material

Material to make a tourniquet.

There are ready-made turnstiles, but one is not available in all situations. Therefore, it is necessary to improvise with what is at hand. The material that can be used for this practice is bandages, clothing, handkerchiefs, gauze or any other type of garment that is soft, resistant and flexible, to be able to handle it easily.

Also, it is important to have a rod, a stick or any object that has this shape and is resistant to withstand the force that is going to be exerted on it. This, although it may not seem like it, is a key piece that will be used as a torsion tool.

2. Locate the correct point to place it

Once the necessary material has been gathered, it is essential to find the source of the bleeding. Although many serious injuries can be recognized with the naked eye, there may be others that are not so obvious, especially if there are objects that obstruct the view or there is a lack of light.

Once this is done, as mentioned in a Journal of Emergency Medical Services publication , the tourniquet must be placed several centimeters above the wound, without placing it on the joint, much less at the point where the blood flow originates.

3. Make use of the stick or rod

Tourniquet on the arm

As we mentioned before, this is one of the most important accessories to make the turnstile correctly. Remember that you can use anything that is strong enough to hold the bandage, including pens, pencils, or spoons. The important thing is that this material does not break.

This tool allows for enough torque to be applied to the bandage to tighten it as tightly as possible. Without this pressure, the blood will continue to circulate and the person may be at risk of bleeding.

Common mistakes when applying a tourniquet

It is necessary to follow the steps described above and perform them in the best possible way. Well, on many occasions, it happens that the tourniquets are misapplied and the consequences would be terrible. Thus, a bad practice can lead to a much worse bleeding.

The most common errors are the following:

  • Wait a long time to apply it. This would cause the person to lose a lot of blood and go into shock.
  • Not leaving it tight. One of the most important factors for the success of the tourniquet is the tension of the bandage. If the tourniquet is poorly made, the bleeding will not stop.
  • Do not apply a second tourniquet. Most of the time, a tourniquet is sufficient. However, if the person has long limbs, it is better to reinforce it with another bandage.
  • Leave it for a long time. The tourniquet should not be left on for more than two hours to avoid further damage to the muscles and nerves.


    On the other hand, after performing this emergency procedure, the person must be taken to the hospital immediately or wait for the emergency services to come to the scene. Once there, they will be in charge of removing the tourniquet or carrying out the appropriate measures.

    Also, it may be a good idea to ask for advice or questions when calling emergency services. In this way, a guide can be received as to whether the process is being done well or if any important indications are needed.

    Have you ever found yourself in the position of having to make a tourniquet? Have you ever felt lost having to give someone first aid? We hope these tips can help you if you ever need them. It doesn’t hurt to know what to do in an emergency situation.

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