The Consequences Of Environmental Pollution On The Body

The problem of environmental pollution is that it hurts us much more than we think since it can affect our health and damage our internal organs

Every day we are exposed to all kinds of environmental pollution in different ways. Unfortunately, its consequences are dire for our body.

If we live in a city where the smog is too high, our life expectancy may be reduced. In this article we will tell you more about it.

What surrounds us

Pollution is a problem more than serious. It has harmful effects not only on the planet, but on all the beings that live on it.

We must know that being in direct contact with environmental pollution causes diseases. In addition, it reduces our quality of life.

Cars, factories, certain production systems, water with certain waste and also household appliances are responsible. We are experiencing, at the same time, an increase in respiratory and cardiovascular problems.

Mortality in cities has increased due to the level of environmental pollution. But before continuing, we must understand well what “environmental pollution” is.

What is environmental pollution?

Environmental pollution is the discharge of any toxic material to the ground, air or water. This can cause an imbalance in the ecological balance of the planet and reduce the quality of life of those who inhabit it.

Since man began to organize in towns or communities, pollution is also present. For example, sewage waste that was thrown into rivers in the Middle Ages. However, in recent years the industry has been one of the main pollutants in the world.

Environmental pollution

Pollution has reached such an extreme that it is no longer an alien problem for any of us. Not even if we live far from the big cities.

In addition, everything has direct effects on our health:

  • The discharge of waste into rivers and seas.
  • The emission of toxic gases into the atmosphere.
  • The use of chemicals for cleaning.
  • The use of certain means of transport such as the car.
  • Etc.

Types of environmental pollution and their consequences

According to the natural resource that is harmed, we can divide environmental pollution into these groups:

Water contamination

Environmental pollution of water

It happens when chemical or biological substances are dumped into watersheds, seas, or lakes. These elements affect the quality of the water and the beings that live in it.

Also, of course, it  affects us people. We all consume the fish that are grown in polluted waters. And, in addition, we introduce many bacteria to the body through the consumption of water.

Among the main diseases caused by water pollution, which damage the stomach and intestines, we can highlight:

  • Dysentery.
  • Typhoid fever and other salmonellosis.
  • Leptospirosis.

When a factory or company throws heavy metals into rivers or basins, our body suffers an overdose of certain materials. For example, fluorine, zinc, selenium or chromium, among others. Therefore, various organs (kidneys, pancreas, liver) cannot function properly.

Air pollution

It could be said that it is the type of environmental pollution that we know the most or see if we live in the city. The smog thrown by cars or buses accumulates in the atmosphere  . This has unwanted effects on all living things (in addition to damage to the environment).

There are many pollutants in the air. These include carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide, hydrocarbons, and photochemical oxidants.

Smoke is the biggest pollutant that people, animals and plants are exposed to. In the first two it irritates the respiratory system and visibility. At the same time,  the possibility of suffering from lung or throat diseases increases.

Finally, the burning of garbage in the urban vicinity further aggravates the situation. Not forgetting about having to breathe cigarette smoke.

Soil contamination

Soil environmental pollution

Third we have soil pollution. It can occur due to poor use of the land or dumping garbage and certain chemical agents.

One of the main examples of this type of contamination is the use of fertilizers and insecticides. Although they serve to accelerate the production of crops and prevent the attack of pests, they have a dire consequence on the state of the earth.

If we eat vegetables or cereals that have grown under this type of “treatment” our nervous system will be affected. In addition, we could suffer from allergies or intolerances.

Another type of soil contamination is produced by the accumulation of garbage in landfills. With the rains and the decomposition process a “leachate” is formed. That is to say, a highly polluting liquid waste that seeps into the earth and groundwater.

Noise pollution

Acoustic environmental pollution

We do not realize that this type of pollution is as serious as the others and we suffer from it on a daily basis. The modern world leads us to suffer different physical and psychological damages from the noises and sounds to which we expose ourselves day after day.

For example, they alter our rest and performance at work. However, there are more serious effects of being exposed to noise pollution on a daily basis.

If the noise exceeds 130 decibels, it causes us a headache or physical pain. And, if it is greater, it can cause permanent damage to the hearing system.

The noise of the horns, the means of transport and even listening to very loud music have their price. These increase irritability, blood pressure, and insomnia.

In addition, they reduce productivity and cause allergic reactions. The nervous system is the most affected by this type of pollution.

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