The 7 Most Antioxidant Drinks To Help Slow Down Aging

If we want to prevent the effect of free radicals in our body, we must consume the most antioxidant foods and drinks that we have.

In this way we will be able to avoid diseases and also have a younger appearance despite age.

Discover in this article the 7 drinks richest in antioxidants, such as green tea, pomegranate juice, kombucha or must. 

Choose the most antioxidant drinks

Replacing carbonated, alcoholic or bottled juices with antioxidant and natural drinks will help us fight free radicals, which are the cause of aging and which make us sick.

In this way we will avoid sugar, sweeteners, artificial flavors and colorings and, on the contrary, we will add vitamins and minerals to our diet.

Below we detail the 7 antioxidant drinks that we can incorporate into our diet.

1. Green tea

Green Tea

This millenary infusion is very popular all over the world thanks to its high antioxidant and anticancer power.

It is also an excellent cleanser that helps eliminate excess fluids and toxins from our body, as well as a good remedy to protect our cardiovascular system.

Some cosmetic products already include green tea among its components, which stands out for its content of polyphenols, antioxidant substances.

Green tea is more antioxidant than black tea because it is less processed, as the leaves are steamed and dried, but not allowed to ferment.

2. Kombucha

kombucha bottle

Kombucha tea is much less well known than green tea. However, it should be a regular drink in our diet, since it is a natural probiotic rich in enzymes, amino acids and vitamins. 

This drink is made with green tea or black tea, so we will increase the benefits of these medicinal infusions. We can buy it already prepared or make it at home, letting the tea ferment with the kombucha mushroom and sugar.

3. Must

Grape juice

The must is the juice of the grape, one of the most antioxidant fruits that exist, so it is an ideal non-alcoholic drink to replace wine.

Grapes contain two types of antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamin E, which help us fight the aging of our body.

We recommend making our own must at home, blending grapes with their skin and seeds, which also contain many nutrients. We can also beat them with a little water and strain them.

4. Lemonade

Lemonade, one of the most traditional and simple drinks that we can drink, is an ideal antioxidant to drink every day.

Thanks to its vitamin C content, lemon protects us from free radicals, while helping us to produce collagen and red blood cells, as well as to take care of our bones and teeth.

We recommend preparing the lemonade with organic lemons, to also be able to crush their peel, where most of the antioxidants are found. 

5. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate is an even more antioxidant fruit than green tea and must, as it is  very rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins, as well as vitamins C and E. 

The juice of the pomegranate fruit is an exceptional and delicious drink. However, the greatest antioxidant power is in its peel, as in the case of lemon.

We can let it dry in the sun and grind it into a fine powder. So we can add it to all kinds of juices and smoothies.

6. Cocoa drink


Pure cocoa, unlike chocolate, is a medicinal food with many health benefits. It also stands out for being the most antioxidant food in the world, thanks to its flavonoid content.

We must avoid chocolate and foods with similar by-products rich in fats and sugars, and substitute them for pure cocoa.

If it is too strong for us, we can sweeten it with a little stevia or honey, and mix with healthy foods such as ground hazelnuts, coconut oil or vegetable drinks.

7. Green smoothie

Celery and apple smoothie

The last of our most antioxidant drinks is the green smoothie, ideal for nutritious and healthy breakfasts.

Green smoothies include vegetables such as spinach, beet greens, watercress or chard, which are combined with fruits such as banana, strawberries, apple, kiwi or pear. The result is delicious.

We cannot forget that green vegetables contain high amounts of antioxidants, such as beta-carotenes or vitamin E.

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