The 5 Most Important Motivational Sources

Motivational sources are positive as long as they help us to get the best of ourselves, but without falling into envy or rivalry with those around us

Depending on our way of being, our types of motivational sources vary. The secret is to discover and empower them to give the best of ourselves.

  • We must never leave the path to our goals halfway.
  • To achieve a goal, motivation is extremely important.

However, if we do not know where our motivational sources are, we can see our dreams frustrated. This can make us feel like a failure.

Next we will teach you the 5 most important motivational sources. Identify yours!

Motivational sources, what is yours?

Woman climbing stairs

1. Positive motivation

According to experts in psychology, positive motivation is one of the most important motivational sources and that many people share.

Having a reward for what we are dedicating time and effort to urges us to keep going. For example, let’s imagine that we have started to learn to play an instrument. Positive motivation is found in seeing how we are progressing. It’s about acknowledging our improvements and taking pride in them.

It is always necessary to find the positive side of every situation. We must find the hidden teaching behind the failures, they always help us to grow personally. Since everything is positive, our motivation is fueled in this way. This allows us to continue striving to go even further.

2. Negative motivation

Although positive motivation is shared by many people, there is the opposite side: negative motivation. In this type we stay motivated by fear of an unpleasant consequence.

For example, continuing with the previous example, if I do not practice with my instrument every day I will not advance and I will look ridiculous in front of the teacher.

Negative motivation always tries to prevent us from encountering failure or a humiliating situation. In some cases it can be exhausting, since we cannot always prevent some bad things from happening.

3. External motivation

This third type, which falls within the most important motivational sources, refers to being stimulated to continue doing something or to improve based on a reward that will come from outside. For example, earning more money, being able to go on vacation, recognition from others.

In this case, it does not matter if we are interested or not in what we are doing, because what is really significant for us is in obtaining the reward that we will receive for the work we are doing.

4. Internal motivation

Internal motivation is very important. It is based on that interest in growing as people, in developing and learning without what we are doing having a practical effect.

For example, we can begin to study Persian, a language that we like, but that will never have a practical effect on our lives. However, we like it and want to learn it for our pleasure. This is an internal motivation.

Many times, we put this type of motivation aside or try to eliminate it because we believe that dedicating time to what we like, but that will not have a practical effect, will be wasting time. Nothing is further from reality.

Not everything has to have a motive or goal that goes beyond our own personal delight.

5. Ego-centered motivation

Crafts to keep the desk tidy.

Ego-centered motivation is closely related to the results obtained and the comparison of them with other people. An example would be, in a work team, trying to be better than others or comparing the results of the work with those of the other members and always trying to be above them.

Sometimes this of the last motivational sources can cause frustration if there is someone better than us and whom we cannot overcome.

Being aware of our limits will be essential so as not to fall into envy for what, no matter how much we want, we will not be able to achieve.

Motivation is very important in order to achieve what we set out to do. Knowing what drives us and, in addition, in what way, will help us avoid frustration and achieve our goals.

You have to be especially careful with the negative aspects of the different motivational sources. An excess of comparison or paying too much attention to the outside that forces us to stop our internal motivation can be a disastrous thing.

With which motivational source do you feel most identified? Is it more than one?

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