Signs That This Man Is Not For You

Although in this case we are talking about a man as a couple, these tips are also applicable to women and we should keep them in mind when we start a relationship

Are you wondering if that man is not for you? Many times, when we are in love, we do not pay attention to certain alarms that can go off in relation to the convenience of that person we have chosen.

It does not matter what our loved ones say, as we must find out on our own. However, external help never hurts. Therefore in this article we give you some signs that perhaps this man is not for you.

How do you know if that man is not for you?

First of all, it is essential that you be objective and try to identify if any or more of the following situations seem familiar to you or have you experienced them with your current relationship. Maybe they are the signs you need to realize that this man is not for you:

1. He is interested in your money or your goods

He is interested in your money or your goods

If you have a good job, a house of your own, a car or your family is wealthy, you should be careful, because many men can act blinded by greed.

It does not mean that this happens in all cases, but you should pay attention, for example, if he asks you for money, if he wants you to always pay for the exits or if he tries to convince you to put a property of yours in his name.

2. Doesn’t get along with your pet

Animals are wise and most of the time they “hit the mark” when someone doesn’t like them. If you have brought your boyfriend home and your dog has growled or tried to bite him, the first time it may be normal because he does not know him, but pay attention if this behavior continues over time.

Also, take a look at how your partner treats your pet. He may be nice in front of you, but when you go to the bathroom or the kitchen, mistreat him.

3. Doesn’t talk about the future

Does not talk about the future

The couples talk about the projects together starting from the year of relationship, approximately. Some may take longer and others less, but at some point those conversations arise related to the wedding, having children, moving, etc.

If it has been enough since you left and he refuses to talk to you about these issues, something is hiding. Maybe they don’t want to commit or they may have another “serious” relationship and are cheating on you.

4. Doesn’t introduce you to family or friends

At the beginning of a relationship it is normal that the encounters are only between two; But after a certain time, it is time for the “de rigueur introductions” to family and friends.

If he does not want to take you to Sunday lunches at his parents’ house or when he has a party he never wants you to accompany him, you will have to suspect that this man is not for you.

As in the previous case, perhaps it is because he does not want formal relationships (and therefore does not take you seriously) or that there is already a girlfriend “presented in society”.

5. Rush


It can also be a sign about the inconvenience of your relationship. For example, if within two weeks of leaving he tells you that they should live together, wants you to meet his whole family, or talks about having children with you, be very careful. Anything rushed can be harmful or a sign that you are facing an obsessive or a stalker.

6. You don’t know their tastes

It is true that many people do not like to talk about themselves but, if the fourth date has already passed and you  only know their name and little else, you should be suspicious.

Especially if you ask him questions like where he works, who he lives with or what his favorite food is and he avoids you or changes the subject.

7. It is too distant

that man is not for you

Maybe you’ve suffered a lot in a previous relationship or you don’t like close contact with people. However, if on many occasions he pretends you are not present or does not pay attention to watch television, send a message or do anything else, perhaps he means that man is not for you.

8. You talk about your ex all the time

They have already been dating for several weeks and on each date all she does is refer to her ex-partner … that she liked such a thing, that they went to this restaurant for their anniversary, that she never accompanied him to the movies.

On the one hand it is boring and on the other it should worry you. If you still have not been able to forget your previous relationship, it is very difficult for you to form a new one together.

Let him live in the past and when he has really done a “clean slate” maybe you can give him a try.

9. Wants you to change

Couple blaming each other

Although there is nothing set in stone and we can all improve on certain issues, the bad thing about that person is that they want to mold you to their liking in everything you do.

He can tell you to cut or modify the color of your hair, to dress as he likes, not to see certain friends, to look for another job, to stop thinking in a certain way …

In short, that you are a completely different person. And that without a doubt is a sign that this man is not for you.

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