Remedy With Carrot And Garlic To Combat Exhaustion

If you have been a few days of deep physical and mental exhaustion, do not hesitate: take this simple remedy based on carrot and garlic.

It is common that,  with the changes of season, our body is a little lower in defense. We get tired with the slightest effort and, almost without knowing how, we get sick and suffer one cold after another.

If this is what is happening to you right now, we recommend that you take care of your diet a little more. Choose, above all, those gifts that nature offers us, rich in adequate nutrients capable of giving us energy and strengthening our defenses.

Next, we suggest a simple remedy made from garlic and carrots. It sure feels great to you and you face your days with more courage.

Carrot and garlic to take care of your health

Woman drinking juice

Carrots serve us much more than to take care of our skin or our vision. For its part, we can benefit from garlic in another more pleasant way than consuming it on an empty stomach in the morning.

We suggest you leave the most traditional and combine both. You will get a natural drink with a refreshing and intense flavor. In addition, it can be as effective as any vitamin tablet that we buy in pharmacies.

Carrots, a gift full of nutrients

Carrots are very rich in carotenoids. It is what gives it that attractive orange tone.

Something as simple as drinking a glass of its juice a day would offer us a high content of  antioxidants, vitamins A, C, K, B8 and B9, pantothenic acid and minerals (potassium, iron, copper and manganese).

  • Another interesting fact is that carrots contain a series of very powerful antibacterial compounds, according to this research from the University of Coimbra.
  • If they raise our defenses and offer us energy, it is not only because of vitamin C: all the bioelements of this tuber stimulate the activity of white blood cells to take care of and strengthen our defenses against external agents. This is stated in this study by Parmar University.
  • This juice is revitalizing, digestive and therapeutic. According to this study by the University of Queensland, it could also be indicated for people with diabetes since, thanks to the carotenoids, it helps us regulate the level of sugar in the blood.
  • This type of antioxidants regulate the amount of insulin and glucose that our body metabolizes to achieve balance.


Garlic protects us from various diseases

Garlic protects our immune system and is anti-inflammatory, as stated in this study by the National Institute of Psychiatry, “Ramón de la Fuente”. Among its compounds are enzymes such as allicin.

  • This sulfur compound helps us enhance  the metabolism of iron in our body, as suggested by this research from the Universidad de la Sierra Sur.
  • It does this by stimulating the production of ferroportin. It is a type of protein that helps cells store iron for when they need it.
  • All this will undoubtedly give us a good level of energy and strength for these days of decline.
  • Also, an interesting aspect about garlic is its flavonoids and its sulfur content. If we get used to taking two cloves of garlic a day, we will offer our body an adequate supply of this mineral.

Garlic, in turn, is very rich in the following elements:

  • Vitamins (C and group B)
  • Minerals (manganese, copper, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, iron)
  • Protein

Here we explain how to prepare this carrot and garlic based remedy to increase your energy and combat fatigue.

How to make your natural carrot and garlic drink

carrot and garlic juice


  • 3 carrots
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


You will have it done in just over 5 minutes. Ideal for your breakfasts.

  • What we will do first is to  have the organically grown garlic and carrots already prepared. Make sure they are in good condition, and that the garlic is large and healthy, that it is not dry.
  • We will wash the three carrots well and blend them in our processor.
  • Next, we will chop the garlic well to enhance the virtues of its enzymes.
  • Once in the blender, we will include the water, the carrot juice and the garlic. The idea is to get a very homogeneous drink.

The flavor of this carrot and garlic drink is not exactly sweet.

However, that subtle combination between the softness of the carrots and the sulfur point of the garlic gives it a truly unique taste that you must experience.

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