Relationship Between Diet And Cancer

Two factors influence the development of cancer , one genetic or endogenous and the other environmental, also called exogenous. Among the exogenous factors, we also find biological, chemical and physical factors.

Environmental or exogenous factors play an important role in tumor development. In fact, it  is estimated that 98% of tumors are related to environmental components. Among them is diet.

The role of diet in carcinogenic development can vary from person to person.  And especially, depending on the type of cancer. Those that affect the digestive system, such as stomach and large intestine cancer, can be related to diet in up to 90% of cases.

The role of diet in the development of cancer

Healthy versus unhealthy eating.

As early as 1942, the first animal studies on the relationship between diet and cancer were carried out. However, it was in 1960 when environmental aspects such as diet or habits and lifestyles were definitively linked to the appearance of this pathology.

In this context, we will briefly review the foods or macronutrients that may play an important role in carcinogenic development.


Junk food.

Consuming fats can alter the metabolism of prostaglandins.  This, in turn, can indirectly cause chemical components with a certain carcinogenic potential to accumulate in our reserves.

On the other hand, fats increase the permeability of cell membranes.  What can cause a greater formation of free radicals. Which are involved in the oxidation of the body, and ultimately, in the appearance of cancer.

However, the existence of these phenomena is closely related to the quality of the fats ingested. While unsaturated lipids can offer protection against the development of this pathology, those of the trans type are a predisposing factor. This is stated by research published in the journal  Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome.

Other influencing factors


Alcohol, on the one hand, increases the permeability of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive systems to carcinogens . On the other hand, this substance can damage the DNA of cells. It would cause mutations in them, making them potentially carcinogenic.

The ingestion of this poison is linked above all to the appearance of tumors related to the gastrointestinal tract, according to a study carried out in 2017. It is advisable to restrict the consumption of alcoholic beverages to achieve a better state of health .


Fruit and vegetable juices.

Several studies have shown the preventive capacity of vitamins in the appearance of cancer. These types of nutrients are found abundantly in fruits and vegetables.

Some of its beneficial features are:

  • They are antioxidants. Vitamins are capable of inactivating reactive oxygen compounds, in this way, they are able to prevent the formation of harmful free radicals.
  • They regulate cell differentiation. These nutrients play a very important role in cell differentiation, in this way, vitamins prevent aberrant undifferentiation suffered by tumor cells.
  • They activate the immune system. Vitamins promote the proper functioning of the cells of the immune system, necessary for the elimination of tumor cells.
  • They inhibit cell proliferation. Vitamins, by promoting cell differentiation, in turn inhibit proliferation, thus having a suppressive effect on the high division characteristic of cancer cells.

Watch your diet to reduce your risk of cancer

Following a balanced diet can help prevent cancer. However, great care must be taken with the ingested amounts of each nutrient. The same food can have a protective action or a harmful action depending on them.

Some effective tips when it comes to preventing cancer are to eat a balanced diet, increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables, avoid obesity, or reduce your alcohol intake.

Correct cooking methods are also highlighted as a recommendation to prevent cancer  . Avoiding the abuse of fried foods and smoked and salty products.

Lastly, reduce your meat consumption, especially processed red meat. Avoiding refined polysaccharides, as well as precooked ones, fast foods or sweets, has a very beneficial result when it comes to preventing the appearance of cancer.

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