Psychological Pregnancy: What Is It?

Some people are diagnosed with a psychological pregnancy. Today we will see what it really is and how it can be treated.

We have all heard of the concept of psychological pregnancy. However, we may see it as something distant. A concept that we have seen in some films or documentaries.

Sometimes we have heard the term psychological pregnancy because some animal in our home has suffered it. This usually happens especially in dogs. However, people can also suffer this type of pregnancy, which is also known as pseudocyesis.

Throughout this article we will discover its characteristics and the most suitable treatment options.

Characteristics of a psychological pregnancy

At present, cases of psychological pregnancies are quite rare, at least in our society. The reason for this is, as some studies indicate, in the social significance of pregnancy.

Many years ago, a woman needed to have children to feel that she had fulfilled her mission. Being biologically predisposed for pregnancy, the inability to conceive and the stress that this entailed, made her susceptible to pseudocyesis.

Pregnant woman feeling nauseous

Today, the importance of having children has been greatly reduced. Now there are other types of interests and being a mother is an option that many women do not accept. However, they should not feel bad about it.

However, we are going to see the characteristics that allow us to detect a psychological pregnancy:

  • Increase in abdominal volume and weight.
  • Morning sickness equal to that of a pregnancy.
  • Absence of menstruation.
  • Breast enlargement and milk production.
  • Sensation of the baby moving.

Although all these symptoms could clearly indicate that there is a pregnancy, in the case of pseudociesis they appear without any baby.

Real case of pseudocyesis

Dr. Ana Cecilia Márquez wrote a case of a real psychological pregnancy. In it, he explained how a 34-year-old patient came to his office with a 28-week pregnancy. At least this was what she claimed.

The reason for the consultation was the absence of movements of the baby. Her pregnancy had been diagnosed due to the symptoms she presented. These were:

  • Amenorrhea or absence of menstruation.
  • Milk secretion
  • Increase in abdominal volume.
  • Excessive sleepiness or hypersomnia.
  • Increased appetite
  • Dizziness and vomiting
  • Changes in skin pigmentation.

After corroborating these symptoms, a study was carried out on the patient in which it was evidenced that there was an absence of the baby’s heartbeat. To do this, an ultrasound was performed, the images of which did not report any indication that the woman was pregnant.

Treatment of psychological pregnancy

Worried woman

As we have seen, a psychological pregnancy causes real symptoms but they do not correspond to the state of the woman who suffers them. It is not an easy situation, so the treatments usually focus on the psychological aspect.

1. Psychological care

This type of care is essential when diagnosing a psychological pregnancy. Many times women manifest it as a way of fleeing from some emotion that they are unable to manage.

Also, your desire to be a mother and the inability to make it happen (either due to relationship problems or infertility) may cause you stress and anxiety that leads to pseudocyesis.

All this will be discussed in the consultation of a psychologist. Normally, the woman shows rejection at the possibility of not being pregnant. However, as soon as you accept what happens to you, this type of pregnancy usually disappears spontaneously.

2. Psychiatric participation

Although attending the consultation of a psychologist is important, so can the participation of a psychiatrist. In fact, these two professionals usually act together in certain situations to achieve better results.

In addition, in the case of a psychological pregnancy, drugs that induce ovulation may be needed, the absence of which is causing amenorrhea. In this way, the patient can be aware, with the return of menstruation, that her pregnancy was only in her imagination.

Has someone close to you ever suffered a psychological pregnancy? Has any pet you have ever experienced it? We hope this article has helped you better understand this circumstance that some women go through.

With all this, we emphasize the importance of putting yourself in the hands of psychological health professionals, since with their help not only can this situation be resolved, but also a solution and improve the patient’s well-being.

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