Psoriasis: A Diet To Reduce Some Symptoms

Psoriasis is a skin condition that we can suffer due to an autoimmune problem. This causes irritation and redness on our skin, causing a kind of white spots that, in turn, leave the skin red and scaly.

In addition to the creams and medications that are commonly used to treat this disease, a healthy diet can be a good complement to these.

Balanced nutrition, medications, and stress management will help reduce the severity of psoriasis symptoms. Still, you should consult your doctor in any case. 

With this warning made, take note of the foods that could help you against some symptoms of psoriasis, but not before seeing more specifically why it appears and what symptoms this disease has.

What symptoms does psoriasis have?

Psoriasis appears  when our immune system mistakenly begins to attack our own body, destroying its healthy tissue.  This fact causes changes in the skin, since dead skin cells tend to accumulate very quickly.

These cells normally grow deep in the skin and rise to the surface once a month. But in people with psoriasis, it occurs abnormally quickly. All of this can cause some of these symptoms:

  • Dry, silver-toned skin covered with scales.
  • Itch.
  • Skin tone between pink and red.
  • Raised and thick skin.
  • Sometimes joint pain.
  • Other times, nail changes may appear. These become a little thicker and yellow in color, with small dimples.
  • Abundant dandruff on the scalp.

In addition, unfortunately, psoriasis is often a chronic disease and, according to experts, it is transmitted from parents to children.

What foods should I not eat if I suffer from psoriasis?

You should avoid consuming red meat if you suffer from psoriasis

Both coffee and processed foods increase the production of cytokines, so it is always advisable to give them up to obtain better health, as recommended in the research already cited published in the Neuronum Magazine.

Take fish in measure

If we want to eat fish, we can do it. Now, we should not exceed 115 grams twice a week. The biggest problem with this food is the presence of toxic mercury in some species. If you are sure where the fish comes from and if it is healthy, you can consume it.

Although, this study published in Dermatological Therapeutic Activity  indicates that the intake of fish oils containing polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acids that intervene in the metabolism of leukotrienes would improve psoriasis”

Avoid gluten, corn, and sugar

This Naturopathic Medicine publication notes that gluten-free diets have produced improvements in psoriasis patients.  However, from here we recommend consulting with a doctor before making any change in our lifestyle and whether he or she prescribes the elimination of gluten in our diet.

Similarly, corn, corn oil and corn syrup (fructose) tend to have inflammatory components, so you should try to consume them in a balanced way, although there is not enough scientific data to conclude that this is the case.

Also sugar tends to reduce the immune function of the body, so try to take it in a very balanced way.

Forget about alcohol

According to several studies, alcohol can be a trigger in psoriasis. Try to reduce it and even avoid it completely if you want to improve your psoriasis.

What foods can help me against psoriasis?

Anti-inflammatory vegetables and fruits

Broccoli can be a great ally against some symptoms of psoriasis.

Studies on psoriasis usually conclude by saying that consuming fruits and vegetables with vitamin C, beta-carotene and other antioxidants can help increase the resistance of the immune system, promoting a better course of the disease.

What then are the most suitable vegetables? Look at the following list and take the ones that are more to your liking:

Fruits and vegetables

In the case of vegetables, carrot, artichoke, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cabbage or cauliflower are recommended. We can also take onion, spinach, turnips or zucchini.

As for fruits, the most recommended to help us against psoriasis are apricots, pumpkin and mangoes.

Essential cereals

Amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat can become great allies against some symptoms of psoriasis. These are of great help for our cardiovascular health. In addition, they are rich in flavonoids, they are nutritious, they are gluten-free and have essential amino acids.

If you can’t find them in your usual supermarket, try looking for them in specialized stores such as natural stores.

Blue fish

Consuming blue fish like the saloon is recommended if you suffer from psoriasis.

Tuna, salmon, herring, lake trout, or sole  are wonderful sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, omega-3 fats can help relieve pain, inflammation, and redness associated with psoriasis. Do not stop including them in your diet!

The importance of digestive enzymes

In addition to taking into account the properties of the foods that we have indicated, you should know that the pancreas and other glands produce basic digestive enzymes for our body, since they are proteins and we need them to be able to fulfill our vital functions.

However, sometimes these organs do not produce them in sufficient quantity and we must obtain them from food. The main problem is that  food often loses these essential enzymes when cooking.

People who do not suffer from psoriasis usually obtain around 25% of the amount of necessary enzymes. For their part, those who do suffer from this disease do not have enough HCL in the stomach, that is, these enzymes so necessary for our health.

Therefore , whenever possible, it is always advisable to eat raw foods, as in the case of vegetables.


As you have seen, there are foods that can help you against some symptoms of psoriasis, while others can contribute to aggravate them.

Follow our advice but, remember that these are only a complement! You should always go to a specialist, since we are talking about a very serious problem for your health. 

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