Perfectionism And Work Addiction Go Hand In Hand

Have you ever thought that this obsession with perfectionism and work can lead to an inability to relate to those around you? Sometimes we hide behind other activities so as not to face it

Work addiction damages the sufferer in many aspects of life. However, few of us know that this problem has a lot to do with perfectionism.

If you are a person with a high degree of perfectionism and you are highly motivated in your work, you have all the numbers to become a true addict.

This has a lot to do with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Suddenly, we are unable to stop compulsively overworking.

Excess is never positive

Man with work addiction

Surely, a perfectionist person will tell you that it is not so bad to dedicate 24 hours a day to their work. However, everything in excess has its consequences.

We all need to get rid of the burden and stress that is present in our day to day. Everyone, even the one who believes that it is not necessary. Our mind and body require a break. By not allowing it, we are endangering our health.

Our life will be much shorter and less satisfying than if we stopped working from time to time. Respecting weekends and vacations is as essential as it is recommended.

In addition, giving yourself too much in your tasks will increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. A problem that, although you do not worry now, in due time will.

Without realizing it, your perfectionism has created a great emotional imbalance. Think of all those frustrating relationships that break down and situations that you run away from because you don’t know how to deal with them. What do they have in common? You have no life, because she is at your job.

What am I losing? That won?

Perfectionism makes others see you as a role model. You are applied, efficient and your projects are successful. However, not everything is as positive as it seems. Everything that you are gaining on the one hand, you are losing on the other.

  • You have serious difficulties relaxing : your compulsive tendencies towards work mean that, when you finish it, you continue under the same state of stress and anxiety. You are unable to disconnect.
  • You need to be in control : in relationships everything is very fluctuating. However, at work you can control everything to a greater or lesser extent. What is keeping you from getting carried away?
  • Inability to work in a team : no matter how good you are at your job, you are, but alone. Interpersonal relationships are not your strong suit, so delegating tasks to other people is not among your options.
  • Fixation for the results, not for the process: for you the path is indifferent, what matters is what you get from the journey you have done.

    When perfectionism goes hand in hand with work addiction, our relationships are in jeopardy. An essential part will be missing in our life.

    Work addiction: the inability to enjoy

    Perfectionism causes us to limit ourselves and we cannot get out of a certain pattern of behavior. We seek excellence down to the smallest detail. All this means that we cannot enjoy anything, not even with what we spend so many hours on.

    Woman relaxing by the sea

    We find ourselves in a vicious circle, in an obsessive addiction to do everything in the best way, to reach higher, to avoid making mistakes.

    We are hoping for the impossible. Perfection does not exist and, even if it did, it would be relative, like beauty, for example.

    So while working too much may be something to brag about, in reality,  there may be an emotional imbalance behind all of this. When a person is a perfectionist, they sometimes have low self-esteem or a fear of rejection that makes them avoid it as often as possible.

    It is much better to find ourselves in balance in all aspects of our life. Because we can never be happy if one of the legs of our chair limps.

    That means we have to fix it, not ignore it or try to put “patches” on it for the time being. When perfectionism leads to an obsession with work, it is time to start treating this addiction.

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