Perfect Breakfasts For Every Age

Breakfast provides a quarter of the energy we need for the day. We will have to adapt it to age and personal needs.

In relation to breakfast, two things must be taken into account. On the one hand, this is the meal of the day most likely to include foods of low nutritional quality; and on the other, each age or circumstance has a series of needs and, therefore, requires a different diet. Therefore, below we will tell you which breakfasts are recommended at each stage of your life.

Breakfasts and vitality

Breakfast and vitality

Extensive research indicates that those who eat breakfast correctly are more effective in their jobs, studies, or whatever task they undertake.

In this way, it is considered that those who eat breakfast have better intellectual and physical performance. In addition, your risk of obesity is significantly reduced.

In turn, breakfast helps regulate appetite and control anxiety about eating, boredom or lack of nutrients.

When we wake up for several hours we haven’t eaten anything. Therefore, this intake breaks the fast and gives us the energy we need to face the day.

If breakfast is rich in complex carbohydrates (for example, oatmeal or cereals of all kinds), blood glucose is regulated. In addition, a breakfast consisting of fruit, yogurt and unsweetened cereals is associated with a lower risk of obesity , according to experts.

Types of breakfast according to age

In order to prepare a healthy breakfast that meets the nutritional requirements of each stage of life, the French Center for Nutritional Research and Information (CERIN) has published a guide with healthy options for all ages:

Breakfasts for children from 2 to 10 years old

For children from 2 to 10 years

The daily caloric needs of the little ones are only 1200 calories.  These will gradually increase until they reach about 2,200 in adulthood.

The difference between a child and a senior is the amount of breads and cereals they should eat. Tips for balanced breakfasts at this stage are:

  • Natural yogurt with cut fruit or nuts.
  • Change the juices for pieces of fruit.
  • Choose whole wheat bread instead of toast, and accompany it with scrambled eggs.

Breakfasts for young people from 11 to 18 years old

For young people from 11 to 18 years old

During adolescence many changes occur in the body. This is when the habit of eating breakfast is usually abandoned. Despite all this, the fact of not having breakfast does not have to be a synonym for poor health, as the current scientific literature affirms.

In youth, energy needs increase. In addition, diet is crucial for building muscle mass and growing bones. To that we must add the hormonal modifications.

Energy needs are 2,500 calories per day. The alternatives for the youth breakfast are:

  • 1 cup of milk with unsweetened cereals, two pieces of fruit and a yogurt.
  • 1 cup of milk, a portion of applesauce and two pieces of bread with cheese or cold cuts.
  • A cup of coffee, two toasts of bread with olive oil. In addition, you can add a yogurt and an orange juice squeezed by hand.

For adults between 20 and 55 years old

Calorie requirements range from 2,000 to 2,200 per day at this stage of life (for women and men respectively). However, there are cases in which it should be increased, such as in athletes. They can also be decreased if the person wants to lose weight.

Therefore, the best options for having breakfast as an adult are:

  • A cup of coffee (with milk or alone), two toasts with olive oil and Serrano ham, an orange juice and a yogurt.
  • 1 cup of tea (with milk or alone), a fruit salad and a portion of fresh cheese with toast.
  • 1 cup of milk with cereals, a yogurt and an apple compote.

Breakfasts for those over 55

For those over 55

In this stage, the caloric intake is very similar to that of younger adults, but more calcium is needed. For this reason, they have to consume more dairy products in the early hours of the morning.

The options according to your needs are:

  • 1 cup of coffee with milk, a yogurt, a toast with olive oil and an orange juice.
  • A cup of tea with milk, a fruit salad, two toasts with olive oil and a portion of fresh cheese.
  • 1 cup of cappuccino, a piece of fruit and two toasts of whole wheat bread with olive oil.

Breakfast options for specific stages

Breakfast options for specific stages

In the case of pregnant or lactating women, breakfast may vary. In any case, at this stage, eating something first thing in the morning becomes more important, since energy needs are increased. The following option is valid:

  • A glass of coconut milk, toast with fresh cheese and avocado and a fruit salad with strawberries, banana and kiwi.

    Breakfast helps you have energy

    In the case of athletes or people with great physical activity, daily needs change. For this reason, larger and more caloric breakfasts can be accommodated.

    In addition, for those who are on a diet to lose weight, they can have a cup of coffee with skimmed milk, two whole wheat toasts with a slice of fresh cheese and a piece of fruit. Even fasting would be really beneficial in improving body composition.

    There are numerous ideal breakfasts for each stage and moment of life. Therefore, do not hesitate to find out and combine them to make breakfast a pleasant moment of the day.

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