Neck And Back Pain: Tips To Relieve It

Neck and back pain is one of the most frequent nowadays, and it is mainly due to poor posture, stress and emotional problems. Contrary to what you might think, exercising the area can help relax muscles and relieve pain.

Nowadays, it is quite common for many people to sit for several hours in front of the computer, with their back in the wrong position and their head tilted downwards. This, of course, can cause physical problems. To avoid them, it is important to strengthen the muscles and give them flexibility.

Causes of neck and back pain

Poor posture causes neck and back pain

Besides bad posture, there are other causes for neck and back pain. For example, a Mayo Clinic publication details that it can occur as a result of weak neck muscles, sedentary lifestyle and stress. Other risk factors are also listed:

  • Overweight: by being overweight, we work our back and strain it too much, which causes pain.
  • Sleeping with an inappropriate pillow.
  • Emotional problems : states of stress, anxiety and depression produce stiffness and pain in the neck area, according to research published by BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders .
  • Heredity: some causes of back pain could be of genetic origin, due to diseases that affect the spine.

Exercises to relieve neck and back pain

Some exercises can help relax your neck and back muscles to reduce pain. However, it is important to know how to do them properly, since a bad practice of these can lead to more serious injuries. Therefore, consultation with physical activity professionals or health specialists is always recommended.

Next, we want to share some basic options that can be put into practice both in the office and at home. You dare? Pay attention!

1. Rotation 

With this exercise, the muscles on both sides of the neck are stretched. It should be done sitting in a chair and following these steps:

  • Move your head slowly to one side and then the other, gently.
  • As much as possible, stretch your neck as much as possible.

2. Shrug

This exercise can help reduce pain that spreads to your back. It is carried out as follows:

  • Shrug your shoulders as if you want to touch your ears with them.
  • Hold them for a few seconds and then relax.
  • By relaxing your shoulders, you repeat the exercise again.

3. Push-ups

  • To carry out this exercise, you must be seated.
  • Bring your chin to your chest and hold the pose for a few seconds.
  • Return to the starting position with your head straight.
  • Rest and repeat the exercise.

4. Stretching

Stretching is good for neck and back pain

  • Tilt your head to the side so that it almost touches your shoulder, which should be relaxed.
  • Hold for a few seconds and lean to the other side.
  • If this exercise is difficult for you, you can help yourself with the opposite hand to stretch better.

Tips to avoid neck and back pain

Beyond doing exercises to calm discomfort and strengthen and stretch the muscles in the area, it is also possible to apply certain daily habits to improve posture. Keep in mind the following keys to prevent neck and back pain:

Learn to breathe better

Proper breathing can help loosen the body and eliminate tensions, which are often the ones that cause pain. According to a WebMD post, deep breaths and a relaxed environment have a positive effect on stress reduction.

Get a self-massage

If you don’t have someone who can give you a massage, you can do it yourself. Massaging the affected area can be very effective in counteracting pain almost immediately, according to a study published by Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine . An alternative is to try the following technique:

  • With your left hand, squeeze your right shoulder.
  • Tilt your head slightly to the left.
  • Finally, squeeze lightly with your fingers and make gentle movements, from neck to shoulder. Then continue to the other side.

Apply an anti-inflammatory cream or gel to the area

You can consult your doctor to prescribe a suitable anti-inflammatory for your problem. Also, there are those who recommend placing a warm or hot herbal pillow, without burning. Although there is no scientific evidence in this regard, it is believed that this helps to relax the muscles and relieve pain.

Perform exercise

It is very good to be in motion, walking, swimming, jogging. Of course, without ever forgetting the subsequent stretches. In this way, as the Mayo Clinic publication cited above indicates, you increase the endurance and muscle strength of the affected muscle groups, which contributes greatly to counteracting pain.

Sleep well

A good rest is essential for the body to recover and, thus, prevent neck and back pain, as well as discomfort in any other region of the body. If you have trouble sleeping at night, there are a wide variety of herbs to help you fall asleep naturally.

Maintain a healthy weight

Try to lose weight if you are overweight, so as not to put unnecessary strain on your body that hurts your joints and causes neck and back pain. A study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology has linked being overweight to lower back pain, so it is a factor that you should consider.

Maintain good body posture

To avoid pain, it is essential to keep this point in mind. Therefore, you should always watch your posture: stay upright, with your head upright and your shoulders back.

Avoid lifting heavy objects

Sometimes doing so is unavoidable, but try to avoid it. If you do, remember to bend your knees and keep your back straight.

Don’t underestimate neck and back pain

If the pain persists over time, it is advisable to visit a specialist. The expert can make a diagnosis of the pain you are suffering and thus indicate an appropriate treatment.

Once you feel good, do not put aside what was previously commented. All the habits and exercises mentioned, in addition to helping you prevent new discomforts, will have a positive impact on your overall health. They are small but very important actions!

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