Light Lentil Burgers: Perfect To Delight Your Palate

The light lentil burgers are perfect to delight the palate of any diner. Do not forget that fast food is part of good nutrition, and it does not have to be the other way around.

These healthy burgers are tasty and quick to grill, bake, or broil. Due to their large amount of nutrients, they represent an excellent option to consume nutrients.

Along with the nutritional aspect, it is also a fun way to eat vegetables and legumes. They can be pink or green in color and are low in calories, fat, carbohydrates, salt, and cholesterol. In addition, because of the feeling of satiety they offer, they are ideal for losing weight.

Nutrient-rich option

Due to the quality of its ingredients, light lentil burgers are rich in phosphorus and zinc, calcium and selenium, molybdenum, iron, manganese, potassium and copper. They are also a source of vitamins A, B, C, K, E and folic acid.

Therefore, eating them helps prevent heart disease and prostate cancer. We also help maintain blood sugar levels and due to their high fiber content, they fight constipation.

Light lentil burgers recipe

Chickpea flour to prepare light lentil burgers


  • 1 cup of cooked lentils (200 g)
  • 1 carrot
  • ½ onion
  • Chickpea flour
  • Breadcrumbs (optional)
  • Some vegetable broth
  • a pinch of salt
  • A pinch of pepper
  • Spices to taste


  • First, the lentils are soaked a day before (there are varieties of lentils with which this is not necessary).
  • Later they are put to boil with vegetable broth, salt and a bay leaf.
  • Then we add the carrot and onion cut into small pieces and cook them until soft. Then we let them cool.
  • Next, we crush the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Next, we season the lentil dough with salt, pepper and spices.
  • Lastly, we add enough chickpea flour to shape the burgers.
  • They can also be coated in breadcrumbs before cooking on the grill or in the pan, previously drizzled with oil. Another option is to bake them.
  • Finally, they are served with a light salad.

Lentil burgers with carrot puree and arugula salad

Mashed potatoes as an accompaniment to light lentil burgers


  • 1 cup of cooked lentils (200 g)
  • 1 aubergine
  • 2 onions
  • A carrot
  • 4 tablespoons of rolled oats (50 g)
  • Bread crumbs
  • Egg
  • a pinch of salt
  • Oil
  • A pinch of pepper
  • Turmeric to taste
  • Cumin to taste
  • Barbecue sauce
  • Mustard
  • A splash of wine


  • To start, cut the aubergines and onion into small pieces and fry together with the turmeric, cumin, pepper and salt.
  • Then we add the lentils, drained and crushed, the barbecue sauce and the mustard to taste.
  • Afterwards, we mix this pasta with the oat flakes and with the egg.
  • Next, we shape the hamburgers, we bread and cook them on the grill until they are golden brown.
  • On the other hand, we chop the onion and carrots and place them in a pot with water.
  • The wine is then added, boiled for about 15 minutes and then crushed until a puree is obtained.
  • Finally, we serve the hamburgers with puree and some arugula leaves.

Light lentil and vegetable burgers

Red peppers to prepare light lentil burgers


  • 2 cups of cooked lentils (400 g)
  • One onion
  • Two cloves of garlic
  • Two red and green peppers (60 g)
  • Two carrots (70 g)
  • A pinch of pepper
  • Oregano to taste
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 cups of vegetable broth (500 ml)
  • Olive oil
  • Breadcrumbs (optional)


    • First, wash the lentils well and grind them until you get a homogeneous mass.
    • Then add the pinch of salt.
    • On the other hand, cut the garlic, peppers, carrot and onion into small pieces and fry over medium heat in a pan. Likewise, add a little broth, pepper and oregano.
    • When the vegetables begin to brown, add the crushed lentils and stir for a few minutes.
    • To achieve a greater consistency you can add breadcrumbs.
    • To finish, make the burgers and cook them in the pan until golden brown.

    Lentil and Swiss chard burgers


    • A bunch of chard (100 g)
    • ½ cup of cooked lentils (100 g)
    • One garlic clove
    • Bread crumbs
    • 4 tablespoons of rolled oats (50 g)
    • Egg
    • a pinch of salt
    • A pinch of pepper
    • Oregano to taste
    • Ground chili to taste
    • Olive oil


    • Initially, we remove the leaves from the chard and the rest we put to boil. Then they are drained well and cut into small pieces.
    • Afterwards, the chard is placed in a bowl and the previously crushed lentils are incorporated.
    • Next, the finely minced garlic clove is added together with the salt, pepper, oregano and ground chili.
    • Next, we gradually add breadcrumbs and oatmeal.  We also add the egg and mix until obtaining a homogeneous mass.
    • Finally, we shape the burgers and put them in the pan with a little oil.

    As you can see, you have several options to prepare light lentil burgers. They are delicious and therefore, we know that you will want to repeat.

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