Learn How To Make A Cream With Analgesic And Anti-inflammatory Properties At Home.

Olive oil is a common ingredient in formulating different skin care products.

When we hit ourselves and feel pain, we may consider applying a cream with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Two of the most common options are creams with calendula and arnica. However, there are other options that can be considered. 

If you would like to make your own homemade formula to relieve bruises and related minor discomforts on the skin, then you will be interested in taking a look at the following recipe that we are going to comment on below.

Cream with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties 

The first cream with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that we propose is made from two foods: olive oil and cayenne pepper. The reason? Both are attributed anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, olive oil is an excellent product to hydrate and care for the skin.

It is said that this mixture would not only help relieve inflammation, but also pain.

Recipe No. 1

What are the best vegetable fats?

One of the main advantages of making homemade creams is that you can grow some of its ingredients at home. This is the case with peppers. They can be grown in a small pot and thus always have a few on hand.

To make the cream as such, the cayenne peppers to be used must be dry, for best results. To make sure this is the case, take some fresh bell peppers and cut off the tops first. Then place them on a rack in a dark and ventilated place to allow them to dry.

After about three weeks, the peppers will be in their best state for making the cream.


  • 10 dried and sliced ​​cayenne peppers.
  • 1 cup of olive oil (230 g).


  • 1 glass jar.


  • Add the cayenne peppers to the glass jar. Make sure these don’t take up more than three-quarters of it.
  • Then add a cup of olive oil or whatever is enough to completely cover the peppers.
  • When everything is mixed, you will have two options to finish the process:
    1. The first is to put the bottle in a saucepan with water and leave it there for 2 hours over low heat.
    2. The other, which is the most recommended, consists of putting it in a cool area without light for several days in a row (15). Then, leave it for at least 10 more days, so that the nutrients are concentrated and it is completely ready to use.
  • After the recommended time, strain the oil and drain the peppers well to make sure they leave all their properties.
  • Repack it in an airtight jar. You can keep it for a total of 6 months.

Application mode

Woman applying cream to her legs

Like other similar products, you just have to take a little and apply it to the skin with a gentle massage, with circular movements.

If you have sensitive skin or suffer from a specific skin disorder (such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis), it is best to do a test on a small area of ​​the forearm and observe how it evolves for 1 hour. If there is no unfavorable reaction, then you can apply the product to the rest of the skin on your legs.

In the event of an unfavorable reaction, you should immediately discontinue use and wash with plenty of water and neutral soap.

With what other ingredients could homemade creams be prepared?

It is not mandatory to prepare a cream with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties with the ingredients mentioned above. You can also choose other combinations, such as the aforementioned arnica and calendula, chamomile and arnica, etc.

Lavender essential oil, almond oil and coconut oil, is a combination that, in addition to being very aromatic, can contribute to relief, since these 3 also have relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Choose the option that you like the most and take the test. And if not, you can always go to the pharmacy and buy one already prepared.

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