Is It Possible To Shed Excess Salt?

Is it true that some of us tolerate more salt in food than others? Certainly not, because the taste for this seasoning is acquired – and not exactly healthy (too much) -, so it is recommended to educate the palate to add a lesser amount to meals. But is it possible to shed excess salt?

Either way, it is important to consult the consumption with a doctor. The specialists are the ones who should guide us with the diet. Sometimes a lower daily intake will be recommended to safeguard good health.

Be careful with your salt intake

“It’s good, but it lacks a bit of salt for my taste”, “the dressing for the salad, let everyone add it to their liking”. Who has not heard any of these phrases when a group of people get together?

It is common for members of a family to have the same palate when it comes to salt or spices, but outside the home … the matter changes, and it can even spoil the banquet.

According to the World Health Organization, we consume almost double (each individual takes an average of 9.7 grams a day) of the recommended portion, showing that this excess produces high blood pressure, thus increasing the probability of suffering a heart attack. myocardium or a cerebral stroke.

However, we should not eliminate it completely if the diet is balanced. Reducing or even eliminating salt intake is only indicated for people with hypertension problems. After all, it is the doctor who must prescribe a reduction in its consumption.

Tips to reduce salt intake

Dispense with salt in food can make dishes unsubstantial, especially for those who are used to taking a good pinch of this seasoning while they are cooking. However, reducing your intake is possible.

Sea salt.

Here are some suggestions that can help you win the battle against those little pimples that can be really harmful to your health:

1-      Change the way you cook food. If we steam them, the natural sodium is better preserved, since no substances are lost, and then it is not necessary to add so much salt.

2-      Use aromatic herbs or spices to dress the dishes; This way they will not be so tasteless and we will gradually get used to using a lesser amount of salt. According to a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , regular consumption of turmeric supports cardiovascular health.

3-      Leave the seasoning for last . When cooking a steak, for example, it is best to put the dressing last minute; this way we will avoid adding more salt than necessary. The same for stews, because with rest the flavors are concentrated, and it is better to rectify at the end.

4-      Use sea salt . This is highly recommended, as its flavor is stronger and allows less quantity to be used. Also, depending on its quality, it generally contains various minerals such as potassium, sodium, and manganese. Of course, it should be taken in moderation. Keep in mind that there is evidence that iodine is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

5-      Eat more fresh food , since its sodium content is lower; Let’s limit the consumption of highly processed and salty foods (French fries, for example). Specifically, the consumption of fruits and vegetables is recommended, since they are significant sources of potassium and magnesium, key nutrients to regulate the level of sodium in the body.

What else can we do to shed excess salt?

Container with sea salt.

Take a good look at the labels of the products we buy. By the way, sodium is not synonymous with salt. So, when the labels show “so many grams of sodium”, we must multiply them by 2.5, and then we will know exactly how much salt a certain food contains.

And finally, one last piece of advice: let’s not be to blame for the poor health of others.  Let, for example in salads, each one dress their plate to their liking.

Moderate your salt intake to avoid future problems

As you have seen, regularly consuming a large amount of salt can be problematic in the medium term. This habit affects blood pressure, increasing it. If this mineral is ingested above what is recommended, the cardiovascular system could suffer consequences, so it is best to be moderate with the use of said dressing.

Anyway, keep in mind that there are other nutrients capable of exerting the opposite effect, thus modulating the action of the salt. One of them is potassium, which can be found in many foods in the plant kingdom.

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