How To Stop The Flaccidity That Appears When You Lose Weight

Having a shaped body and ending sagging is perhaps one of the hardest things to achieve when you don’t know how to do it. Especially because there are many false formulas in the media and social networks.

Above all, it must be clear that to end the flaccidity that appears when losing weight, it is essential to say goodbye to a sedentary lifestyle and make an effort to adopt an active and healthy lifestyle that provides multiple health benefits. Likewise, we must be aware of the importance of being constant and consistent in practicing good life habits. Otherwise, good results will hardly be appreciated.

Why does sagging appear when losing weight?

Sagging often occurs with a sudden change in weight, because the skin or muscles lose tension. This is the product of the degradation of collagen and elastin fibers, responsible for giving tonicity and firmness to the entire body.

One of the main causes of this aesthetic problem is to undergo strict diets that involve losing weight in a short time without allowing the skin to adapt properly to it. For this reason, by way of prevention, experts recommend losing weight in a moderate way and with a plan that includes a good exercise routine.

But if it’s too late to lose weight and tone at the same time, there are some methods that can help reduce loose skin to improve its appearance and eliminate sagging.

Tricks to end sagging when losing weight

Cobra pose to exercise the back

Do spot exercises regularly

By losing weight quickly, it is very easy to notice sagging in parts of the body such as the abdomen, buttocks, legs and even arms. To start reducing it, one of the most effective ways is to practice localized exercises to target each affected area.

  • Abdomen: In general, the classic abdominals are done, but other more general exercises that involve keeping the abdomen contracted, even indirectly, also work.
    • Buttocks and legs: They go together since, in general, they work with the same exercises. The most popular and one of the most effective are squats.
    • Arms: The most effective exercises are those of weight lifting or others that involve making some force and using the muscle, since in this way fat is burned and we can tone the arms and end sagging.
    • Face and neck: These parts are as important as the others and should be worked with facial gymnastics.

    Combine those localized exercises with general exercises

    To maintain a healthy weight and, incidentally, firm the skin, it is also good to include in the routine those general cardiovascular exercises such as, for example, walking 30 minutes a day, jogging, cycling or walking the dog, among others.

    All movements that involve physical effort are helping to increase metabolism and prevent future accumulations of fat in the parts already worked.

    Modify the diet

    Modifying your diet is the number one recommendation to end sagging when losing weight and avoid constant weight changes effectively.

    The fact of not eating a healthy diet makes any other effort to improve the figure in vain, since certain nutrients are required to achieve good results, as well as eliminating those foods that cause fat accumulation.

    Eating healthy foods low in saturated fat and sugar helps improve overall health and maintain skin firmness.

    On the other hand, foods rich in protein combined with carbohydrates help increase physical performance and the body’s ability to achieve greater energy expenditure. Among the most recommended foods are oily fish, chicken, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas and eggs.

    Drink more water and less industrial drinks

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    Drinking enough water a day is one of the best ways to hydrate the skin and improve its elasticity so that it has more capacity to adapt to the changes that occur when losing weight.

    It is estimated that women with an active lifestyle should drink about two liters of water a day, while men can drink up to three. It is good to spread your intake throughout the day, rather than drinking all that amount of water in one shot, as it could become heavy and cause discomfort.

    On the other hand, the fact of consuming water and natural drinks can promote the health of the skin and the rest of the body, unlike soft drinks and other industrial drinks.

    Other recommendations

    Avoid exposure to UV rays

    The sun and tanning beds expose the skin to weakening by UV rays, which decrease its elasticity and collagen. The ideal is to avoid these types of habits and protect yourself with the use of sunscreen, hats or clothing that covers the skin, among others.

    Moisturize the skin

    Daily use of moisturizers is also a great support to combat sagging and improve skin tone in no time. Combining creams and physical activity is the best option.

    It is recommended to choose those products that contain coenzyme Q10, collagen, retinol or elastin, since they firm and, incidentally, prevent wrinkles.

    Exfoliate regularly

    One of the purposes of exfoliation is to remove dead skin cells to improve its appearance and prevent dark spots. However, this treatment has a decisive role as a stimulus for circulation since it helps to improve it in a short time. When we stimulate the circulation of an area of ​​the body that is not well irrigated, we promote the body’s ability to modify that area.

    Prepare a mixture of coarse salt with two tablespoons of coconut oil and apply it with gentle circular massages to the desired areas.

    As you can see, to combat sagging you not only have to apply a specific measure, but a whole strategy to be able to obtain the desired results and maintain them over time!

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