How To Prevent Bone Problems

Bone problems, such as osteoporosis, are due to genetic factors, infections, poor bone development or poor diet. The good news is that, if bone problems are not due to genetic factors, we can take care of our diet to prevent them.

In this article we explain which are the essential nutrients that your diet should include or in the form of supplements so that your bones do not have any deficiencies in the future, as well as all those that you should avoid or limit for better prevention.

Despite the importance given to calcium as an essential nutrient for bones, the truth is that there are others that are also equally important. In fact, we need to obtain balanced doses of all the minerals necessary for our body to have strong and healthy bones.

Foods That Could Prevent Bone Problems

  • Although milk and its derivatives are rich in calcium, some studies have shown that it may not be very assimilable by our body in adulthood. For this reason we recommend other foods rich in calcium, such as sesame. We can take it raw ground or in the form of gomasio (ground and toasted with salt), oil of first cold pressing and raw or tahini (sesame paste). We can also beat the tahini with water, lemon, cinnamon and honey to make our own sesame drink.
  • Seaweed: There are few foods as rich in minerals as seaweed (spirulina, kombu, sea spaghetti, nori, wakame, agar-agar, etc.). We can include them in all kinds of stews, rice, soups, pasta, legumes and dishes that require cooking.
  • Maca : contains a lot of calcium and iron and is also an excellent hormonal regulator. People with uncontrolled hypertension and people with over-excitement of the immune system should be careful. We recommend consulting this article to find out what dose to take.
  • Horsetail: very rich in silicon, a mineral that provides structure to our bones. We can have two or three cups a day.
  • Sea water : a natural and very balanced supplement that we can find in herbal and dietary stores. We recommend taking a tablespoon before each meal and / or using it to flavor meals instead of sea salt or table salt.

bone problems

A diet rich in protein

Protein is essential for our bone health, but it is not obtained only from meat, fish and eggs. We recommend these sources of vegetable protein, which has a very good assimilation by our body:

  • Vegetables
  • Sprouted alfalfa
  • Avocado
  • Raw and unsalted nuts
  • Spirulina

The importance of vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the bones. The body produces it naturally when the skin is exposed directly to the sun. So we recommend sunbathing daily first thing in the morning or at sunset.

If we live in a not very sunny area, we can usually consume eggs and fatty fish (sardines, herring, salmon, tuna) or take the vitamin in supplement form, which we can buy in pharmacies or dietetics. We recommend consulting with your GP before taking any supplement, even natural.

Foods that demineralize

In the same way that we must consume remineralizing foods, we must also limit or avoid as much as possible foods that do not provide us with nutrients and minerals to prevent bone problems They are as follows:

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • White sugar
  • Coffee
  • Fizzy and sugary drinks
  • Refined foods
  • Precooked foods
  • Fried
  • Foods with excess salt

In short, it is essential to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. In this way, we will avoid problems both in bone health and in health in general.

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