How Does The Consumption Of Fruits Influence The Treatment Of Anemia?

One of the main recommendations for the treatment of anemia is usually to modify eating habits. This is because, in general, the disease appears due to an iron deficiency. But what is anemia actually?

The United States National Library of Medicine notes that anemia occurs when the blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of the body. This is usually a consequence of the iron deficiency noted above.

Keep in mind that this mineral is essential to produce hemoglobin, the substance that not only gives the blood its reddish color but also helps transport oxygen to all the cells of the body.

We can all become anemic at some point in our lives. Eating poorly, heavy periods, kidney or liver problems, pregnancy or hereditary disorders can be some of the causes.

Fruits and anemia treatment

Fruit salad to treat anemia

Plums are considered digestive and are often recommended to relieve symptoms of constipation due to their fiber content. On the other hand, according to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, it provides 0.4 mg of iron per 100 g. You can consume them naturally or dry, ideal for your breakfasts, as snacks at noon to obtain energy.

3. Acerola fruit


Do you know this healing and therapeutic fruit?  Acerola is a type of cherry from the West Indies that is grown today in different climates. Journal of Food Science and Technology notes that it is one of the largest natural sources of vitamin C.

According to data from this same publication, its vitamin C content is between 1500 and 4500 mg per 100 g, that is, around 50-100 more than that of orange or lemon.

And how can we take it? Fresh, in juices or even in compotes. It would be a good complement to the treatment of anemia, helping to reduce the symptoms of fatigue and strengthening the immune system.

If you think you may be suffering from anemia, visit your doctor. He will perform the necessary tests to diagnose you and then determine the best course of treatment for anemia.

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