How Does Not Sleeping Well Affect Your Body And Face?

Did you know that lack of sleep can lead to gastrointestinal disorders and increased anxiety? In addition, it affects the firmness of the skin and can promote the appearance of wrinkles.

With the stress of life that we usually carry, it is usually normal that sometimes we do not get a good night’s sleep. However, sleep is a basic need of the body through which it relaxes physically and emotionally to start a new day.

It is estimated that everyone should sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day without interruptions so that their body functions in optimal conditions and can receive the recharge of energy that it requires to carry out each of its tasks.

When a person cannot fall asleep or only dedicates 6 or less hours to it, they experience immediate negative effects such as stress, lack of concentration and fatigue. In this article we will tell you some of those effects that not sleeping well can cause on our body and face. 

Life stresses, problems, and frequent use of technology could make people forget a little about how important sleep is. For this reason, for some time now, several health entities and experts have tried to demonstrate everything that happens in the body by not spending enough time to rest.

Did you know that the skin on your face is one of the most affected?

This could be proven by an investigation carried out by the School of Sleep of the British firm Bensons for Bed. The study found that high-quality sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on the face, even immediately.

The participants who took part in this research underwent an examination of their skin with a machine that has the power to analyze the elements that influence the general appearance of the same, such  as spots, pores, impurities and the bacteria. Then, for five days, they slept only six hours a day, before taking the test again.

And the results?

  • A 45% increase in the appearance of your fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Stains increased 13%, and visibility 7 %.
  • Porphyrins, bacteria on the skin , increased 16%.
  • The redness increased by 8%.
  • The dark spots were noted by 11%.

On the other hand, before and after the test, the participants answered a series of questions to measure how these changes influence their emotional state. In this sense, their self-esteem decreased by 20% during the course of the test and at the end of it, 33% expressed feeling less attractive.


eye! It does not end there. Getting too little sleep could also have other effects on skin beauty that are even more obvious. it causes the skin to lose hydration and that would lead  to it having less shine and firmness.

But, in addition, according to studies, it immediately causes the annoying dark circles and bags that give an appearance of fatigue and aging.

And what else can happen from not sleeping well?

Restful sleep plays a key role in the function of several important organs in the body, as well as in the secretion of some chemicals by the brain. This is what the experts say, not having a good quality of it implies other negative impacts on health.

Digestive problems

According to the WHO, it increases the risk of suffering from some type of gastrointestinal disorder and pain in the upper abdomen or also known as dyspepsia.

Obesity and diabetes


When you cannot fall asleep, a hormone known as ghrelin is secreted, associated with increased appetite. Therefore, there is evidence that sleeping less than 6 hours may have an important relationship with weight gain. Since it would cause the person to have anxiety to eat more and in the middle of the night.

Likewise, on several occasions it has been shown that lack of sleep may be involved in the decrease in the ability to tolerate glucose, which,  in turn, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Emotional imbalance

emotional stress

Drowsiness is a major cause of stress, anxiety and other disorders emocionale s that can cause an imbalance. By sleeping long enough, the body relaxes and secretes a significant amount of endorphins, also known as “wellness hormones”.

Now that you know a little more about it, try to dedicate the hours your body needs to relax and sleep well. They will appreciate it!

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