How Can We Cook Without Eggs?

Whatever the reason we want to cook without eggs, there are multiple alternatives to substitute this ingredient in our recipes for others that are just as healthy.

People who want to cook without eggs, for health reasons or because they have decided to eat a vegan diet, should know what are the foods that you can help them to replace in the kitchen to achieve the same result.

There are different recipes that it seems that without the egg it is impossible to make them. However, this is because we do not know the alternatives that we have at our disposal.

Is the egg good or bad for health?

Eggs are a very nutritious and complete food, rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, protein and healthy fats. Although a decade ago it was not recommended to consume too much of it, today it is known that  we can eat even one egg a day, instead of other types of protein such as meat or fish.

However, we should always opt for organic eggs, which are not only healthier, but also have better appearance, texture and flavor. In some countries the egg is sold with a code that indicates its quality and if it is organic. In others, we can turn to trusted vendors who feed and raise their chickens naturally.

daily consumption of eggs

However, there are some people who should moderate or eliminate the consumption of this food. We are talking about those who have some kind of disease. For example:

  • Those who suffer from an allergy or intolerance to this food.
  • People with very high cholesterol.
  • Those who do not consume foods of animal origin (vegans).
  • People who already consume too many eggs and want alternatives.

Alternatives to egg in the kitchen

These options that we offer, in addition to being alternatives for cooking without eggs, are also nutritious foods with many health properties. In this way we will achieve a much more varied and original diet.

1. Chickpea flour

Chickpea flour, which is very common in some countries like India, has the ability to compact as if it had an egg when we cook it.

  • In this way, we can use it to make savory or battered crepes without any problem.
  • In addition, it enhances the flavor of other foods and gives us a good amount of protein and vegetable fiber.

2. Chia seeds


Chia seeds are a highly antioxidant medicinal food that helps us regulate intestinal function and levels of sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. They are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and fiber.

These seeds have the particularity that, when they are soaked, they release mucilages, a kind of gelatin that is very good for health and very useful in the kitchen.

What do we need?

  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (14 g).
  • ⅓ glass of water (75 ml).

What should we do?

  • To substitute an egg,  we will add a tablespoon of chia seeds in a third of a glass of water.
  • We will let it rest for fifteen minutes and it will be ready to cook.

3. Agar agar

Agar agar is an algae that fights any intestinal disorder, has a high satiating power and regulates glucose levels. In the kitchen it is a great food, since it allows us to solidify any food.

What do we need?

  • 1 tablespoon of agar agar (10 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of water (10 ml).

What should we do?

  • To substitute an egg we must dissolve a tablespoon of agar agar in a tablespoon of water.

4. Ground flax

Flax is a seed rich in fatty acids that acts as a natural regulator of the entire digestive tract. If we take the whole seed it will help us to fight constipation, while when ground it will allow us to assimilate all its nutrients.

  • The proper ratio is one tablespoon of ground flax seeds (10 g) to three tablespoons of water (30 ml).

5. Banana mashed

The well-ripened and mashed banana is an excellent substitute for eggs, and also adds sweetness and creaminess to any sweet recipe such as cakes, cookies or crepes .

  • Half a banana corresponds to the size of an egg.

6. Peanut butter

safe peanuts89

Peanut butter, widely consumed in America, is a high-protein food that can also be an alternative to eggs. However, we must consume it in moderation, due to its high fat content.

  • Three tablespoons (90 g) of peanut butter is the equivalent of one egg.

7. Applesauce

The last alternative for cooking without eggs is applesauce, ideal for all kinds of desserts and snacks, since in addition to sweetness it will also add juiciness to any recipe.

  • We will use 2 ½ tablespoons (50 g) of unsweetened applesauce in place of an egg.

    We hope that you will be encouraged to try these foods as alternatives for cooking without eggs. If you have any allergies, they will come in handy and, if not, you can enjoy a much more varied and balanced diet. What are you saying? Do you dare to cook without eggs?

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