Healthy Recipes To Quench Your Sweet Tooth

Quenching the craving for sweets is not easy. It requires a type of combined response where you learn to handle certain psychological realities on the one hand, and learn to eat much better on the other.

Including unhealthy options such as products rich in sugar in our diet negatively affects our brain chemistry and our emotions. These, in turn, make us have the need to eat sugars. It is a feedback that, although normal, is still unhealthy.

Eating well is living better. Taking care of our diets to the maximum is synonymous with investing not only in physical well-being, it is also enhancing our emotional balance to reduce processes such as anxiety or stress.

For our part, we recommend that you first consult a professional to untangle that ball of anxiety that often promotes behaviors such as inappropriate or even compulsive eating.

Also, preparing one of these recipes every day will be of great help.

What is the origin of craving for sweets?

Our anxiety loves sweets. This is so because of that momentary and fleeting contribution it makes: it gives us a very brief but intense torrent of serotonin and dopamine, ideal for reducing our negative emotions.

Now, that feeling of well-being is very brief and our brain consequently needs new doses. Little by little we enter a very addictive circle where junk and sweet food becomes that daily need.

The  University College London, for example, carried out an interesting study where it was able to show that this type of behavior increases the risk of suffering from depression.

It is therefore advisable to pay attention to our diet as much as possible, manage emotions and include adequate recipes in our day-to-day life to satisfy our cravings for sweets.

Let’s see which are the most recommended.

Recipes to quench your sweet tooth

Some of these recipes are healthier than others, but the good news is that they will give you enough dose not to go to the fridge or the supermarket in search of that sweet and unhealthy product.

Strawberries with dark chocolate

There are types of bitter chocolates that can be melted to make a delicious fondue. In addition to strawberries, you can choose other fruits such as apple, according to your tastes.

You can also leave them in the freezer to get a kind of ice cream. In the event that you opt for bananas, they are a great source of vitamins B and C, fiber and potassium and the best thing is that you will satisfy your hunger or your anxiety.

strawberries to quench your sweet tooth

Yogurt with granola

Mix a bottle of plain or vanilla nonfat or Greek yogurt with a few tablespoons of granola or crumbled cookies. Other interesting options are nuts (almonds, walnuts, etc.) or pieces of fresh fruit.


There is nothing better than a good helping of fresh fruit to quench your sweet tooth.  Many studies affirm that combining them with vegetables and cereals would be the most suitable and healthy.

To sweeten, do not use too much sugar or opt for something healthier like stevia.

Dark or bitter chocolate

Dark chocolate is the only one that is “allowed” to remove anxiety in a healthy way. The percentage of cocoa should be as high as possible (70-99%). No milk or sugar. Also, consume it in moderation to reduce cortisol, the stress hormone. It also helps you focus before studying.

Chocolate is also rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps us stabilize our nervous system, controlling anxiety.

chocolate to quench your sweet tooth

Frozen juices

There is nothing better than a good fruit juice, very natural, to quench your craving for sweets. And it is very easy. Squeeze the juice of an orange, grapefruit or any other similar. Add ice and mix in the blender. You can add a pinch of sugar if you wish. Another option to make it more creamy is to directly place pieces of peach or blueberry fruit in the blender, don’t forget the ice.

juices to quench your sweet tooth

Coffee and unsweetened dark chocolate

Although it is not recommended to consume coffee at night, a small portion will not hurt you (do not drink this daily). You will get both a dose of caffeine and dark chocolate that will serve to dampen the craving for something sweet. To sweeten, choose another alternative to refined sugar, such as brown sugar or panela.

Natural ice cream

They are made very easily, they are delicious and ideal to satisfy the craving for sweets. Not only can you consume them during the summer, many prepare them in winter as well. To sweeten it, use honey. Make a fruit juice or smoothie (as explained above) and put it in the freezer for two to three hours.

Frozen yogurt

To the version of yogurt that you prefer, add some complements such as chopped nuts, chopped fruit, etc. and take it to the freezer. Nothing richer and healthier to eliminate anxiety.

Baked apple

It is really very simple to do, ideal for winter nights. It can also be made with pears. Place on a plate with a little water and take to the oven. You can hollow out the fruit and make a syrup with brown sugar and water.

recipe to quench your sweet tooth

Cereal bars

They are nutritious and provide you with a large amount of vitamins, ideal for obtaining more energy after exercise, for example. Being made with nuts, cereals and fruits, they should never be missing in your pantry. You can also make them yourself by mixing the ingredients and joining with honey, as if it were granola.

However, it must be taken into account that there are multiple studies that affirm that these types of bars are not usually as healthy as we think.

Fruit with cottage cheese

It is a delicious option to satisfy your craving for sweets and at the same time, it fills you with protein. If the fruit is not enough, you can pour a tablespoon of honey or a teaspoon of cocoa powder.

Philadelphia cheesecake

Quince sweet with cheese

It is a more than healthy alternative, because in addition to being bittersweet and a contrasting mixture, you can enjoy the benefits of both ingredients. And it is more than simple to prepare. You just have to cut slices and eat one of each at the same time.

Mix of nuts

Nuts have many health benefits. Hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, dates, raisins. All this in a bowl and enjoy. Do not overdo it too much because they have several calories but the good news is that they satisfy hunger and eliminate satisfying the craving for sweets.

nuts to quench your sweet tooth

To conclude, do not hesitate to follow these tips and have professional help to better manage your anxiety.

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