Exercise For When We Are Very Tired

If we are sick or exhausted we do not need to follow a strict exercise routine, but it is advisable to at least walk or do some stretching to stay active

It has ever happened to all of us that we don’t feel like exercising, much less stepping on a gym. A lot of work, lack of rest, preferring to do something else … For some, these are the perfect excuses for not attending a class. “I better go tomorrow”, but it is not fulfilled either.

Do not forget that a lack in training results in another absence, and so on, until you end up dropping out. In this article we will tell you why it is necessary to practice sports even if we are tired and what exercises are the most appropriate at that time.

No excuses

No excuses

If you are not very fond of exercise, you are more likely to look for any other activity to do before complying with your routine. There are days when it really costs you too much to put on your gym clothes, be brave and face your luck.

Today we live from here to there and it is common to feel tired, without energy or strength. We only think about lying on the couch or sleeping 20 hours straight.

It is true that missing a day at the gym is not a problem. What does harm us is to continue in that position of missing all the time. And then we complain if our clothes don’t fit the way we want or if we have an increasingly bulging belly!

A worthwhile effort

Exercising is tiring. And it takes time. And it takes effort. And he takes us off the couch or out of bed. But it is also the moment you have for yourself and for your body. In the medium term it gives us more than interesting results and that make each of the drops of sweat spilled worthwhile.

The body needs to rest between each routine. The hours of sleep are vital to be able to recover from exercise. But that does not become the main excuse to miss your training.

When can I really not exercise?

When can I really not exercise?

Going to the gym only when all conditions are optimal is impossible. Because nothing will ever be 100% perfect. We will always be tired, wanting to sleep or do any other activity.

However, at certain times it is not advisable to exercise. For example, when you have a cold (although there are studies that indicate that sport helps to release the nostrils and increase defenses), when we have a fever or if we are really fatigued.

If the cause of the absence is reasonable, there is no problem staying home. This is preferable to training badly or risking increasing what is hurting us. It is also not good for you to exercise if you are very sore (especially in the back), if you have a swollen joint or if your head hurts a lot.

On those days when your energy level is not at its maximum, the stress of work has you bad or perhaps you have slept a little less than always … Still exercise! It is a perfect escape route to release tension.

You will probably tire more than usual, lift less weight, or do fewer reps of each exercise. Instead of doing 1 hour of training you can do 30 minutes. But do not stand by doing nothing because it is worse. The body will claim it from you as soon as it gets a chance.

Going to the gym activates you

It is good that you know that going to the gym even when you do not have more strength helps you to be more active. This is because activity brings more activity (and that also happens with inactivity).

You will be forcing your body to get going and moving. This stimulus will increase your self-esteem, your vitality and your energies. You will feel renewed, you can disconnect from problems and stop thinking about what worries you so much.

do exercise

What exercise can I do when I am without energy?

If everything we have told you before did not serve to motivate you to do sports instead of lying down at home then you can opt for plan B. It is not sitting and watching television or folding your arms while watching the sunset through the window.

The idea is that you make at least a little movement so that that day is not marked as “lost”.  At least in sporting terms.

One of the best things to do when you lack energy is to go for a walk. It doesn’t have to be very far.

Exercises for the day to day

  • You can go around the block with your dog or even go shopping on foot instead of using the car.
  • If you live in a building you can go up the stairs and not the elevator (the same if you work in an office).

What exercise can I do when I am without energy?

  • You can also take advantage and play your favorite music at full volume (no romantic ballads, of course) and dance for a while.
  • And how about playing with your children or cleaning the house more vigorously?
  • Another idea is to go for a bike ride in a park or go to the mall to see what’s new in stores.
  • If you want to stay home you can do some squats or lunges while watching TV or any exercise that requires lying on a mat (for example, sit-ups).

Exercise for tiredness

All this will make you move your skeleton and do not feel worse for having missed gym class. It’s not the same as training, of course, but at least it’s something that has helped motivate you. And, who knows, maybe it was what you needed to dress accordingly and go to the academy.

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