Everything You Need To Know About Anti-inflammatory Ointments

There are certain things about anti-inflammatory ointments that are important for you to keep in mind. Today we will discover them.

Anti-inflammatory ointments have many properties to relieve inflammation problems that have to do with contractures, bruises or other types of problems such as back pain.

Properly applying anti-inflammatory ointments ensures their effectiveness. Sometimes it happens that we do not know how much product to use, if it is necessary to massage the area or if we should first heat the product between our hands before applying it.

Below we try to clear up some doubts. Knowing everything that we do not know  will allow us to take better advantage of this type of cream.

Not all ointments are the same

Although we have used one type of anti-inflammatory ointment to treat a certain problem, we cannot use it for another. For example, if we have used an ointment for a bruise, it may not be suitable for our lumbago.

What can happen if we make this mistake? That the ointment does not have any effect on us or that it causes us an allergic reaction. The latter is highly unlikely, but it is something we must take into account because, on occasion, it can happen.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

It is also important that we do not use anti-inflammatory ointments for any injury without first consulting with our doctor. For example, in the newspaper “El mundo” they shared a story on this point.

Apparently, according to the news, it was discovered that anti-inflammatories do not work for those who have problems with tendonitis or chronic tendinopathies. Because, apparently, there is no inflammatory sign. Therefore, the use of any product for this purpose would be absurd.

Cold effect anti-inflammatory ointments

When we are going to acquire some type of anti-inflammatory ointment, we may be given the option of acquiring one with a cold effect. This, in the beginning, can attract us a lot. Well, the inflamed areas are sometimes hot and the cold can bring relief.

However, you have to be very careful with this choice. Next, we are going to see in which cases anti-inflammatory ointments with a cold effect are suitable.

  • Joint injuries.
  • Sprains
  • Bumps or bruises
  • Dislocations.

Why are anti-inflammatory ointments with a cold effect indicated for these cases? Because they have vasoconstrictive properties. This means that it reduces the diameter of the blood vessels, thus reducing inflammation.

Heat effect anti-inflammatory ointments

At the opposite pole are anti-inflammatory ointments with a heat effect. This type of ointment, like the previous ones, are used in specific cases, for example, the following:

  • Contractures.
  • Lumbar pain
  • Rheumatic pain.
  • Stiff neck.
  • Bad postures.
  • Muscular stiffness.

stiff neck

In these cases it is better to use an ointment with a heat effect because it increases blood flow, that is, its function is vasodilator. In this way, it accelerates the healing process, helps to repair tissues, improves elasticity and muscle contractures.

These types of creams are used, for example, by athletes before a competition or in the warm-up. The reason is that this way they prevent physical injuries and prepare the body for the sport they are going to do.

Beware of expired ointments

Sometimes we use an anti-inflammatory ointment for a particular case, but we use so little that, in the end, we end up with product left over. However, ignoring the expiration date and using the ointment anyway  can have serious consequences.

Many people have had some pretty unpleasant experiences from using an expired ointment. The result? Skin allergies, hives, a lot of itching and the need to go to the emergency room without waiting any longer.

Although this has never happened to us with an expired product, we must bear in mind that its effectiveness can be drastically reduced. Perhaps the anti-inflammatory properties that it had and before were 100%, now they are 40% or even less.

Have you ever needed to use this type of ointment? Have you opted for those with a cold or hot effect without taking into account what each of them was indicated for? Having all the information that we have mentioned will help us to choose much better.

However, we want to emphasize the importance of always asking for a medical opinion. A doctor will always know which ointment is the most suitable for our case.

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