Do You Know The Ritual Of Happiness?

The ritual of happiness will allow us to face the day to day with better psychological and behavioral resources. As Lao Tsu told us, sometimes it is enough to correct our mind so that everything returns to its place, so that we find calm, order and balance.

It would therefore be a matter of integrating into our conferences a series of guidelines with which to transform our reality.

When we talk about rituals, we refer basically to a series of habits. Behaviors and practices that are repeated a number of times to create change.

Within psychology these types of dynamics are very common from different perspectives because they achieve the same ends: to achieve that through repetition new neural connections are created.

Practice and our behavior modify our brain. Therefore, the exercise of the ritual of happiness can generate very positive changes in us. It costs nothing to try and can go a long way.

From bad habits to the ritual of happiness

Can a ritual of happiness really change our focus and improve our quality of life? To understand it better, we will focus, for example, on our day-to-day habits.

In those that are not exactly suitable for our well-being. We talk about poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, tobacco and even excessive worry.

  • Habits  operate on their own, they are unconscious, and they make us act on automatic pilot. This is so because as revealed by a study by the University of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth in New Hampshire, our brain has integrated, normalized and automated them.
  • Breaking a bad habit is therefore not easy, we need significant as well as revolutionary variations that allow us to generate changes. That is when the ritual of happiness enters the scene.
  • Rituals require effort, it implies integrating them into our routines of repeated conscious training. Little by little, these variations are generating positive changes in us and motivation rises. Almost without us noticing, the brain will have integrated these behaviors to the point that we will carry them out without realizing it.

The eight keys to the ritual of happiness

There are very simple rituals that make us approach well-being and happiness little by little. This is what a study published in the journal Psychological Science reveals to us where they discovered that something as simple as creating new habits when eating can make groups of people eat healthier. Therefore, some originality is required so that we can generate an adequate change in our behavior.

Let’s see what a ritual of happiness can consist of, one that will benefit us after a few months.

1. Get up half an hour earlier

woman before alarm clock symbolizing the ritual of happiness

Getting up early is heavy and it costs us. We know that it is very good in bed … However, sometimes a small change brings great benefits. That is why we encourage you to try to get up half an hour earlier. That time is just for you, a small space contained in 30 minutes that you can use to meditate, have a calm breakfast, relax before starting the day …

In fact, the key to getting up early is within the habits of those people who have found not only happiness in their life, but also success.

2. Visualize your day

It is not about keeping an agenda and marking each thing you are going to do at all times. It’s about visualizing what you want for today. Visualize a relaxed day, a day where nothing is going to affect you too much, where no one is going to hurt you and you are going to allow yourself to be happy. A day when you are going to feel proud of yourself. We tried?

3. The ritual of healthy eating

Strawberry oatmeal with cream symbolizing the ritual of happiness

A healthy diet improves brain processes and produces changes in our mood. Therefore, do not neglect this powerful ritual of happiness where choosing well what to put on your table each day will make you feel or not with greater energy, optimism and well-being.

As explained in a study by the University of Warwick, Coventry, in the United Kingdom, fruits, vegetables and cereals such as oats can improve our attitude and make us feel happier.

4. A wish and an action plan

Think of something small that you can do. How about buying a piggy bank? There where to put in a little money every day to go on a trip for the summer. Or what if you finally sign up for that course? Or if you ask that person you are attracted to on a date? Find value in yourself and put the means to achieve your dreams.

5. The quality time ritual

Give yourself time, give yourself a quality life. It is enough that you dedicate two hours a day just for yourself. To do what you like, even if it is simply being alone with your thoughts. It is something basic that we must do every day.

6. Positive attitude, your best dress

It costs you nothing, and even if it is silly it is actually a gesture that is contagious: smile, practice optimism, exercise hope….  Make use of that awake and energetic gaze with which to relativize problems.

7. Let yourself be loved and loved

Love yours, your family, your partner, your friends, your parents or children, and even your pets. All of them are part of your heart and are the best you have. Remember it every day and let yourself be loved, also show them how important they are to you.

8. Do what you love and love what you do

It’s a well-known cliché, but… Are we really applying it to our lives? We know that it is not always easy to do what we really want, but this is undoubtedly the best purpose that we can set ourselves on a day-to-day basis to achieve authentic happiness. 

Do what you love and love everything you do. In this way, wishes and actions will always be aligned and you will find more meaning in your existence to touch well-being. Let’s put the ritual of happiness into practice.

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