Discover The Lemon Cure To Purify And Improve Your Health

In this article we will introduce you to the “lemon cure”, a natural remedy to alleviate certain pathological conditions. Nowadays, when we feel bad, we usually turn to drugs. We go to the doctor and, as usual, they offer us a diagnosis and treatment. We all know what to do when we get sick, but we rarely worry about prevention. In striving every day to have a healthier diet and lifestyle.

The lemon cure is very suitable to achieve that internal balance that is noticeable on the outside. It is not a remedy, but a way to benefit from this healthy fruit that nature offers us. Today in our space we invite you to discover the lemon cure.

How can the lemon cure help us?

One of the first aspects that should convince us that lemon is a very suitable food is its high level of water, minerals and vitamins, and its low content of fat or sugars. Its three most interesting components are undoubtedly vitamin C, citric acid and malic acid.

We know that it doesn’t suit everyone. However, the secret to benefiting from lemons is finding our right dose. If you perceive that the daily juice of a lemon hurts you, reduce it to half or less and dissolve it with more water. Taken regularly, your body will appreciate it, but you must be the one who finds the most appropriate amount. Let’s see now what benefits the lemon cure can bring us .

The lemon cure mineralizes us and helps us purify ourselves


Many people avoid consuming lemon. Think of it as an “acid” food that attacks bone health and reduces our level of red blood cells. Quite the opposite. Its flavor should not confuse us. It will become a very powerful facilitator for us to assimilate all the nutrients.

  • If you suffer from anemia, it will help you assimilate iron better, thanks to its vitamin C, according to an article published in the journal “Geriatric Nursing”.
  • Its high index of minerals and vitamins will notably raise our defenses.  It allows us to have a stronger immune system capable of coping with multiple diseases. In fact, vitamin C itself can help alleviate the symptoms of the flu according to experts.

Your heart likes the lemon cure

Our heart health will appreciate the lemon cure. Its high level of antioxidants will act  as an optimizer of the health of veins and arteries thanks to these virtues:

  • It can help prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
  • Offers greater elasticity to veins and arteries.
  • Eliminates the fatty plaque adhering to the arteries.
  • Reduces hypertension. This is due to its content of citric acid and phenolic compounds, according to scientific literature.

Any food rich in vitamin C and antioxidants is good for our heart, but it is clear that lemon is always one of the most interesting.

How to carry out the lemon cure


What I need?

  • The juice of ½ organic lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

How do I prepare it?

  • We need first of all to use an organic lemon, from which we know the origin and make sure that it has been grown without pesticides. It may surprise you, but in recent years, and due to growing and transportation methods, many of our citrus fruits are losing their original vitamin levels.
    • The first thing we will do is heat the water a little. It should be warm, not hot, and certainly never cold. In this way we further enhance its virtues.
    • Get the juice of half a lemon and mix it with the warm water. We should drink it on an empty stomach and on an empty stomach for 4 days in a row. Rest a week and start over.
    • If you see that it does not suit you, add more water or include less lemon. You will be interested to know that lemon juice is also suitable for treating gastritis.

    Do not hesitate. Start taking care of your health a little more with the lemon cure.

    To keep in mind!

    The lemon cure can help your body to improve and prevent certain physical conditions. However, it is not a substitute for diagnosis and / or pertinent medical treatment. Therefore, we recommend you do the lemon cure but do not forget to miss your medical appointments.

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