Detoxify The Liver With A Garlic Treatment

Garlic is one of the most complete foods. It can be useful to detoxify the liver when symptoms occur due to problems in its function.

Thanks to its interesting nutritional composition, its inclusion in the diet stimulates the elimination of toxins that interfere with health.

This, in addition to its ability to lower cholesterol and fight inflammation, makes it an excellent ally to prevent and treat diseases.

The most interesting thing is that it can be combined with many other ingredients, since it is very versatile and does not suffer alterations that affect its quality.

This time we want to share an interesting treatment that takes advantage of its properties to optimize liver functions when there is any difficulty.

Do you dare to try it? Take note!

Is it important to detoxify the liver?

Pain from inflammation of the liver.

Before knowing the garlic treatment for the liver, it is important to know what we mean when we talk about detoxifying the liver.

The liver is one of the excretory organs that is responsible for filtering the blood. Through this process it removes toxins that the body does not need.

Its proper functioning avoids the development of many anomalies since, among other things, it participates in the digestion of fats, the synthesis of hormones and metabolism.

It has the ability to purify itself constantly, but for this it needs micronutrients and minerals that are sometimes not found in our diet. Therefore, when we talk about detoxifying the liver, we should refer to providing these micronutrients and minerals necessary for the liver to fulfill its function.

And, although there are healthy habits that reduce exposure to toxins, we are all inevitably exposed in one way or another to their effects.

Why is it good to eat garlic to detoxify the liver?

Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a plant that belongs to the Liliaceae family , cultivated in much of the eastern countries.

It is known throughout the world for its culinary applications, since its particular aroma and flavor gives a very special touch to a wide variety of dishes.

It also stands out as one of the protagonists of natural medicine. This is due to its interesting properties that help improve health in many ways.

In this particular case, garlic is valued for its anti-inflammatory, digestive and purifying capacity that, once assimilated in the body, helps detoxify the liver.

Its main active compound, allicin, stimulates blood circulation and is an antioxidant that will help us deal with free radicals  that accumulate in the body.

Benefits of garlic to detoxify the liver

Garlic cloves.

  • Garlic can act as a natural antibiotic. Thanks to its concentration of sulfur compounds, it helps prevent and treat various types of infections. Even so, if you have an infection, go to the doctor in search of an appropriate antibiotic treatment.
  • These substances, in addition to their vitamins and minerals, support the elimination of harmful lipids and regulate cholesterol levels.
  • It has hypotensive and vasodilator properties that benefit circulatory health to achieve proper oxygenation of cells and tissues.
  • Its antioxidants protect the body against the negative action of toxins, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • It could act as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic, facilitating the elimination of retained fluids that cause swelling.
  • It seems to help eliminate heavy metals from our body.

How to prepare a natural garlic remedy to detoxify the liver

Homemade garlic syrup.

Adding raw garlic to the diet is the easiest way to take advantage of this food to benefit liver functions.

However, it is convenient to combine it with other ingredients. This allows it to be more effective and, in addition, facilitates its consumption.


  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of organic rosemary honey (335 g)


  • Glass jar
  • Wooden spoon


  • Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices or mash them a little to release their juices.
  • Pour them into a glass jar and cover with the rosemary honey.
  • Stir everything with a wooden spoon so that the garlic is well distributed.
  • Cover the jar and store it in a cool, dark place for a week.

Consumption mode

  • Once the recommended time has elapsed, uncover the product and consume a tablespoon on an empty stomach for one or two weeks.

Are you having slow digestions? Do you feel your abdomen swollen or do you have a lot of gas? These are all signals your liver sends you when something needs to change. Try to vary your diet and make it healthier, adding natural foods such as garlic; exercise more and follow a healthy lifestyle avoiding unnecessary toxins.

If you continue to have problems after this, do not hesitate to see your doctor. He will advise and guide you in treatment.

Don’t hesitate to try this remedy!

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