Depression Can Be Cured By Practicing Yoga

Have you been feeling bad lately? Have you run into that old friend called “depression”? Depression continues to be the great evil of our times, a disease that we have to face with all our might.

The great problem arises when we are willing to do so, but we lack the strength. Because this is one of the symptoms of depression: a lack of courage to do anything.

Let’s not talk about those joys that have now become something that no longer gives us or makes us feel anything. Have we changed so much? No, everything is a product of depression.

Strange is the time when a person does not take medicine to cure his depression. Using drugs to deal with it can have devastating effects. How about thinking of a more natural therapy? How about we try yoga?

Yoga, the great ally of drugs


You may think that with yoga the solution to your depression has arrived, but no. Like drugs, yoga is an aid, but not the definitive solution.

There are several studies that have affirmed all this. For example, in a study published in the  Indian Journal of Psychiatry. It explains the following benefits of yoga against depression:

  • Helps reduce anxiety and stress pictures.
  • It will allow you to be more aware of your state of mind.
  • You will be able to manage emotions effectively.
  • You will be stronger psychologically to face different situations.

These are just some of the benefits that yoga can provide us and all this in short sessions, from 15 minutes to a maximum of 45 minutes.

Anyone who has attended a yoga class at least once, will have noticed the state of mental and physical relaxation in which the person who has just practiced it is.

The perfect antidote to various ills

yoga posture

Yoga can be used to treat various diseases but, especially, for those that affect our physical and mental well-being.

Depression is not only a state of mind, but it also manifests itself physically. Migraines, tummy aches, palpitations … All this can be caused by depression.

Practicing yoga allows us to deal with all these respiratory and digestive problems that are alerting us that something is not right in our body. It is just a wake-up call that there is a problem that needs to be fixed.

But, in addition to all this, yoga will allow you to get out of the house, interact with the rest of the world, instead of shutting yourself down and thus further feed your depression.

Relating to others, doing something different, working your body, relaxing and calming your mind will be the best drug to combat the terrible depression that is haunting you.

Lift your mood


When the disease of depression appears, everything turns black, pessimistic, dark. But, this is not so, because it is not the first time that we mentioned that the world is as we want to see it.

If you are sad, everything will seem negative to you and you will believe that everything bad happens to you. Yoga will make you aware that it is in your hands to be able to change all this.

You will learn to read your emotions, you will be more aware of what you feel. Only by getting closer to your feelings can you begin to deal with the most negative ones.

Yoga is sometimes combined with small doses of meditation, which undoubtedly makes this practice even more effective.

Have you never participated in a yoga class? Do you think it is not for you? For people with anxiety, stress, unresolved problems and depression, among others, it is ideal.


An ancient practice that allows you to gain flexibility, not only physical but also mental balance, willpower … Yoga will help you to know yourself and heal from within.

Wake up from your depression doing something new, different and that, without a doubt, will be very positive for you. Depression will throw you back, but aren’t you the protagonist?

Don’t let her take the reins for you.

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