Chocolate Enhances Our Cognitive Functions

If there is a food that we always consume with a certain amount of conscience, it is undoubtedly chocolate. It is the relief of many sorrows, the whim for any moment and that temptation that sometimes challenges our line.

However, there is nothing like responsible consumption and a proper choice of the type of chocolate. The blackest is usually the most beneficial to our health. However, now the researchers tell us that the one that contains “a little” milk is also suitable.

Chocolate, your ally for cognitive functions

According to a very recent study carried out at the Nutritional Physiology Research Center of the University of South Australia, if we get used to eating chocolate at least once a week on a regular basis, our brain will be more agile, and the concentration and memory will be much more optimal.

We know that there are many types of chocolate and that not all of them are the healthiest. The one that serves as a cover for most industrial pastries, for example, is not exactly adequate.

Anyone with a high content of sugars or preservatives will undoubtedly have the opposite effect: decrease our functionality, raise blood cholesterol and increase the risk of strokes, especially if, in addition, we lead a very sedentary life.

According to Dr. Georgie Crichton, the most appropriate would be to consume no more than one ounce a day (about 25 or 28 grams).


We can also eat it once or twice a week, slightly exceeding that amount. However, it is always best to choose a good quality chocolate.

Let’s see more data below.

Dark chocolate during pregnancy is positive for the development of the fetus

According to another study, dark chocolate is very rich in a very powerful type of antioxidant called flavonol.

If pregnant women get used to taking between 20 and 35 grams of dark chocolate daily throughout the pregnancy, the quality of the placenta is improved and the risk of suffering pre-eclampsia, a medical complication associated with hypertension during pregnancy, is reduced.

Without a doubt, it is very interesting news.

Chocolate can protect us from heart and cerebrovascular problems

The key is in flavonoids and minerals like magnesium. These elements are capable of enhancing our heart and brain health.

  • It was the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) that carried out a study that lasted twelve years, during which time they monitored and cared for the health of 20,000 people, among whom, a part consumed between 30 and 40 grams of chocolate per day, and the rest either did not consume it or took it in excess.
  • The results were very clear. Those patients who enjoyed this food in moderation but regularly and also followed a more or less active life, enjoyed good heart and brain health.

    Dark and milk chocolate take care of and enhance our cognitive functions

    Secrets of the brain

    In the work cited at the beginning, they tell us that chocolate taken on a daily but controlled basis means perceiving the following improvements:

    • An improvement in visuospatial and organizational memory can be perceived.
    • Chocolate increases working memory. That is, it enhances the ability to understand things, analyze data, retain it and create new information in turn.
    • It also improves short and long term memory.

    Now, you may be wondering how a single ounce of dark or milk chocolate can achieve all of this. To reach these conclusions, the researchers followed people between the ages of 19 and 98 for 30 years, and the results were more than positive.

    • The flavonol in chocolate increases connectivity between brain cells.
    • The flow and quality of blood reaching the brain is improved.
    • The small doses of caffeine that chocolate contains also allow us to be alert without overloading us or raising our tension.
    • Another interesting fact is that cocoa contains oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fat that helps us control and regulate the index of bad cholesterol or LDL. It is important to keep this in mind.


    To conclude, we must be clear that, by itself, chocolate will never improve our health if we neglect our diet, commit excesses and lead a sedentary life.

    This ancient, millenary and delicious food needs to be taken as one who offers himself a gift. Small and regular amounts that we will accompany with adequate lifestyle habits.

    It is worth enjoying it, and of course, our health.

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