Benefits Of Green Vegetables That You Did Not Know

It is well known by all that vegetables are very beneficial for health. Now, do you know why green vegetables stand out?

There is no doubt that green is the quintessential color for vegetables. But do you know what are the benefits of green vegetables for your health? In this article, you will be able to know all the advantages that each of them offers us.

Green vegetables, as a first measure, are an important source of nutrients for our health, since they provide us with minerals, vitamins and fiber. Its distinctive color is due to an essential component, chlorophyll.

Nutritionists indicate that the consumption of green vegetables is essential to have a balanced and healthy diet. Consult with a specialist to find out the portions you should eat, as well as before making any changes to your diet.


Some of the green vegetables that you should add to your diet if you haven’t already are: arugula, chard, spinach, broccoli, kale, and lettuce. All have, to a greater or lesser extent, very important nutrients for the body.

Thanks to its advantages, you will feel much stronger and avoid diseases of all kinds. You must be careful anyway and follow the professional’s instructions, since excess chlorophyll can be toxic to the body. In addition, specialized publications indicate that evidence is still lacking to confirm many properties attributed to it.

Advantages of consuming green vegetables

Not for nothing have our mothers and grandmothers insisted that we eat chard or spinach since we were little, or that lettuce is never lacking in salads. It was not a whim: everything they told you about the properties of these vegetables was true.

Green vegetables are composed of essential nutrients that, in the long term, serve to control your weight, because they do not have too many calories and they are satiating.  Also, having folic acid they become ideal foods for pregnant or lactating women, also for those who suffer from problems in their defenses.

Other interesting components are magnesium and potassium. Nor should we forget dietary fiber, which according to studies prevents constipation, or vitamin C, which also helps prevent colds or flu.

People who consume green leafy vegetables as part of a balanced diet are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease, according to the Spanish Heart Foundation. It is because these foods do not provide significant amounts of fat to the body and keep the arteries clean.

They are a source of calcium

As if this were not enough, green vegetables have a large amount of calcium, a mineral essential for most of the body’s functions and vital for keeping bones in good condition. It is especially recommended for people over 65, and according to research, also for women in the menopausal stage.

In turn, calcium allows you to regulate the heart rate, improve nerve connections, prevent insomnia (due to the secretion of hormones) and cramps. It also contributes to improving hormonal and enzymatic processes.

Green beans, a vegetable with great antioxidant capacity

The virtues of antioxidants

The antioxidants contained in green vegetables are responsible for preventing cell deterioration and aging. They are perfect for reducing the damage that cells suffer over time.

Vitamin A, another great contribution of green vegetables

Thanks to the vitamin A that green vegetables also contain, we can enjoy beta-carotene, essential elements for our body.

According to the medical website MD, The benefits of vitamin A are:

  • Maintenance of the bone system.
  • Regeneration of the skin (especially after sunburn).
  • Mucosal cell repair.
  • Prevention of some age-related eye conditions.
  • Improved physical performance and decreased risk of asthma attacks during physical activity.
  • Prevention of conditions such as diarrhea and fever before, during and after pregnancy.

trinity lettuce
Some of these properties are shared with vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in dark green vegetables and in greater proportions than in citrus fruits, contrary to what is believed.

Following the information from the same medical source cited above, this nutrient serves to form collagen; In other words, it allows to form skin and heal wounds, but also tendons, ligaments and blood vessels.

In turn, it strengthens the immune system and keeps teeth and bones in good condition in general, among other important functions.

Particular properties of each green vegetable

  • Brussels sprouts : they are antioxidants and anti-inflammatory; The first of these properties carries important benefits for reducing the risk of certain diseases caused by aging and cell damage.
  • Spinach: offers an important content of dietary fiber that the body needs and maintains blood sugar levels, according to specialized publications.

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  • Chard: provides fiber and water, so it helps to lose weight if it is combined with other healthy habits and it has a good amount of iron, so it is recommended in people with anemia.
  • Broccoli : contains antioxidants and many other compounds and nutrients that are very beneficial for health.
  • Arugula : offers good amounts of vitamins C and potassium.
  • Kale: it is a vegetable rich in calcium, fiber and vitamins A, C and K.
  • Curly lettuce: it also contains many vitamins and nutrients; it is ideal for pregnant women.

In short, it is clear that green vegetables and their benefits cannot be overlooked when planning our diet. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with the nutritionist to include them in the diet in a balanced way. They combine in many ways and are delicious!

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