Apple Strudel Or Apfelstrudel

The apple strudel or Apfelstrudel is a typical dessert from Austria and the southern part of Germany, whose origins date back to Byzantine times. However, today it is enjoyed all over the world.

The strudel is a roll of thin and elastic baked dough, filled with applesauce, brown sugar, cinnamon and raisins, among other ingredients. It can also be made from puff pastry.

The apples used to make the compote should have a good aroma and a slightly acidic touch. Therefore, we recommend that you look for organic fruits.

Apple strudel or Apfelstrudel 


For the mass

  • 1 medium egg (60 g).
  • 1 cup of water (100 g).
  • 3 cups of flour (300 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (10 g).
  • A pinch of salt.

    For the filling

    • 8 walnuts.
    • 30 raisins.
    • A splash of rum.
    • 2 large apples.
    • 4 tablespoons breadcrumbs (40 g).
    • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon (10 g).
    • 5 tablespoons of butter (50 g).
    • 4 tablespoons of brown sugar (40 g).
    • 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar (10 g).

    To decorate (optional)

    • Vanilla ice cream (to taste).
    • 2 tablespoons of icing sugar (20 g).

    Preparation of the dough

    • In a bowl, we put the flour. We leave a free space in the center of the container.
    • In this space, we add a broken egg and a tablespoon of olive oil.
    • Little by little, we pour the cup of water and begin to mix everything until we get a consistent and smooth dough.
    • We form a ball with the dough and proceed to knead it with our hands and flatten it with the roller several times. The idea is to make it quite elastic.
    • We return to form a ball with the dough and wrap it in plastic wrap.
    • We place on a plate and let it rest while we prepare the filling.

    Preparation of the filling

    • In a container, pour a splash of rum and add the raisins. We let it soak.
    • We place a pan to preheat over high heat.
    • Once the pan is hot enough, add the butter and proceed to melt it.
    • Next, we add the breadcrumbs to the pan and proceed to mix it quickly with the butter.
    • Once the mixture is golden, we reserve.
    • We preheat the oven to 170º.
    • We wash, peel and chop the apples.
    • In a bowl, add half of the butter and bread mixture, along with the brown sugar and cinnamon.
    • Then we add the apples and raisins and the rum. We let marinate.
    • We sprinkle flour on a clean kitchen cloth placed on the work table or worktop and stretch the dough with the help of a rolling pin. The dough should be well stretched.
    • We put the rest of the breadcrumbs with butter on top together with the mixture from the bowl. We distribute everything well.
    • With the help of the tips of the kitchen towel, we roll the apple strudel like a gypsy arm.
    • We place the strudel on a previously greased baking tray.
    • We beat an egg in a bowl and paint the top and side of the strudel with it.
    • Bake at 180º C for 30 or 40 minutes, until golden.
    • Let cool to room temperature for at least 5 minutes.

    Important aspects to consider

    flipped apple pie

    Apple strudel is usually served hot, however it can also be served warm.

    Nowadays it is very common to accompany it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, or a sweet hot sauce flavored with vanilla.

    When following the traditional Apfelstrudel recipe  , it is important to make the dough as thin as possible and, above all, elastic. 

    Furthermore, German and Austrian pastry chefs indicate that through an apple or authentic strudel, a newspaper should be read through the dough.

    Strudel can be served alongside a good cup of tea or coffee in the middle of the afternoon, for example. Hence, it is very common to find it in almost all kinds of pastry shops, cafes, bars and restaurants.


    In case you don’t want to use rum, you can soak the raisins with water. In this way, they will be well hydrated, without the need to use alcohol.

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