4 Dinners To Fight Constipation Naturally

If constipation is chronic, other symptoms should be evaluated and a doctor should be consulted for a diagnosis, as it may be a symptom of a systemic disease.

Constipation is a very annoying health problem that can lead to long-term illness if we don’t treat it correctly. Today we propose 4 dinners to fight constipation naturally.

Dinners to combat constipation

Next, we will present some ideas for you to prepare a delicious meal at home with foods rich in fiber. Remember that to combat constipation you must eat a diet rich in fiber and drink plenty of water.

If this doesn’t work, you can turn to stool softeners. Consult with your doctor if you have any questions. In addition, if constipation is chronic, other symptoms should be evaluated and a doctor should be consulted for a diagnosis, as it may be a symptom of a systemic disease.

The professional may recommend some medications, but also lifestyle changes, including a proper diet.

1. Baked aubergines with tomato and mozzarella

Eggplant, in addition to having a delicious flavor, is a vegetable rich in cellulose, a component that favors intestinal transit. In addition, thanks to its high water content, it is a very satiating and beneficial food in cases of hypertension and cholesterol.

A very healthy, light and simple way to cook the aubergine is in the oven, but previously we must leave it to rest with water and salt for at least one hour.

In this recipe we suggest you make it even more succulent by combining it with crushed tomato and a little mozzarella. A thin layer of cheese will suffice to make this dish irresistible. We suggest you season it with oregano and basil.

2. Pumpkin cream with seeds

alpha pumpkin cream

Pumpkin is rich in fiber and can also help eliminate excess fluids from our body, making it the ideal option if we tend to feel bloated, both due to constipation and fluid retention.

The classic pumpkin recipe consists of preparing a cream, since its thick and consistent texture allows us to prepare this simple dish in a short time. We can dress it with olive oil that will also improve the function of the liver and intestines.

Finally, we suggest that you add a few pumpkin seeds to the cream, not only because they are very nutritious, but also because it is believed that they could serve as a remedy to prevent and combat intestinal parasites that can also cause constipation.

According to some studies, pumpkin seed extract can be used to control gastrointestinal nematode infections.

3. Avocado cream with flax seeds

This is one of our favorite constipation dinners because it is not only healthy but also tasty and quick to prepare!

Avocado is rich in protein, vitamins, essential fatty acids and soluble and insoluble fiber, nutrients that promote intestinal motility.

To prepare this cream we just have to mash the avocado with a fork and add some seasonings, such as crushed or powdered garlic, olive oil, apple cider vinegar and a little salt.

We will also add some flax seeds, which are an ancient remedy for those who suffer from constipation. We will accompany this cream with whole wheat bread or brown rice pancakes.

4. Zucchini stuffed with brown rice

Luca Nebuloni Stuffed Zucchini

Zucchini is a vegetable rich in mucilage, a type of fiber with emollient (softening) properties and slightly laxative effects. For this reason, it is ideal for treating constipation and also for those who, in general, suffer from digestive disorders.

In this recipe, we suggest you use the variety of zucchini that are rather round, although you can also use the elongated variety and cut it crosswise.

In the same way as with the eggplant, we can also bake them, and in this case we will empty them and fill them with brown rice, a very nutritious cereal rich in minerals and fiber that will make this dish a very balanced dinner. We suggest that you dress it with some homemade sauce.

What do you think of our dinners to combat constipation? If constipation is recurrent or lasts over time, it is essential that you go to your doctor to carry out the relevant tests.

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