Symptoms Of A Stomach Ulcer

Having a stomach ulcer is a health problem that requires medical treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, the discomfort can intensify and greatly affect the quality of life of the person and cause multiple complications.

The most common cause is usually Helicobacter pylori bacteria , but it can also occur if you regularly take anti-inflammatories (such as aspirin or ibuprofen). Likewise, bad lifestyle habits (such as poor diet) and factors such as stress or anxiety are also related to its development.

If you want to learn some keys that will help you detect it to go to the doctor for a check-up, take note of what we are going to tell you next.

How to identify the symptoms of a stomach ulcer?

According to Mayo Clinic experts, the most common symptoms of a stomach ulcer are heartburn and pain. Now, these can occur along with other discomforts.

Man with stomach ulcer pain.

1. Take care of abdominal pain

Pay attention to discomfort (of greater or lesser intensity) centered in the abdomen and the areas between the sternum and the navel. The pain can appear clearer when we have an empty stomach, right between meals. Although it is also characteristic to feel these burning and inflammation at night or when you are hungry.

2. Symptoms that form the picture of a stomach ulcer

At first you may feel one or two symptoms, but over time these mild sensations recur until they become severe. Therefore, experts warn that they should be watched to see if they persist.

  • Have a lot of gas and belching without having consumed too many products that cause them.
  • Having seasons when you are not hungry and lose weight.
  • Having a feeling of fullness after eating and having difficulty drinking fluids. For example, it may be difficult for you to drink a whole glass of water.
  • Exhaustion and daily fatigue without an apparent cause.
  • Having morning sickness and feeling sick.

3. Symptoms of a severe ulcer

Above all, you have to know when your body warns you of a serious ulcer. In this way, the following symptoms are what should convince you to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

  • Dark stools, with traces of blood.
  • Feeling like vomiting almost every day.
  • Persistent anguish that can also end in vomiting (with the appearance of blood).

Eating tips for a stomach ulcer

Either directly or indirectly, there are foods that are capable of causing problems (hypertension or inflammation). Therefore, some people have believed that these can affect the development of the ulcer.

However, an article published by the Spanish Journal of Digestive Diseases pointed out that:

Therefore, in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can incorporate these tips if he sees fit.

Some foods that you can eliminate from the diet

  • Salt and sugar.
  • Artificial sweets, as they create acidity in the stomach.
  • Substitute the white flour for the whole wheat, thus avoiding the starch of the refined product.
  • Sugary soft drinks.
  • Limit your coffee consumption and avoid alcohol. Alcohol only makes digestive and body work more difficult.
  • Dairy, as they are difficult to digest.

Recommended foods for a stomach ulcer

Why should you eat spinach raw?  5 benefits

For an adequate diet, alkaline vegetables are essential.

According to the following article published by the Cuban Journal of Integral General Medicine , these foods provide minerals to balance the acidic pH and improve the functioning of the body while protecting it from possible diseases.

  • It is recommended to consume artichokes, spinach, leeks, zucchini, cabbage, celery, endives, mushrooms, lettuce, pumpkin, cauliflower, seaweed, etc.
  • Infusions are another of the home allies. There are mint, lemon balm, licorice, thyme, mint, gentian and lemon balm. These are digestive, gentle, protective, and anti-inflammatory. Thus, you can take them twice a day after meals to make you feel better.
  • Lemon is also convenient since, although it is a citrus fruit, it acts as an alkalizer and helps to have a better digestion.

The American Academy of Family Physicians notes that most stomach ulcers heal in about 8 weeks.

However, do not forget to go to the doctor to prescribe the best treatment if you recognize any of these symptoms. Also, consult a specialist before making any type of modification to your diet.

The stomach suffers the impact of emotional stress

It is often said that the stomach is the organ that suffers the most from the effects of stress and anxiety. For this reason, various investigations have been carried out in this regard to find out in greater detail how exactly all this occurs.

The following study published by the Scientific and Technological Journal of the UPSE affirms that the stomach acts as “a second brain”, since there are millions of neurons in the intestine that also communicate.

Although this statement has its detractors within the scientific community, in general terms it gives an idea of ​​the relationship that exists between the mind and the body. Specifically, in the relationship between emotional stress and stomach diseases. 

For all the above, it is recommended that, in addition to following all the doctor’s guidelines regarding drug treatment and lifestyle habits, you try to reduce your levels of stress and emotional tension in general, in order to improve and enjoy well-being again. .

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