Broken Souls: The Reality Of Psychologically Abused People

Broken souls can adopt two very different roles, but the important thing is that we know how to recognize them to help them heal and overcome the hell that accompanies them

There are those who consider that broken souls are those whose hearts have been broken as children. Also those who have suffered abuse by their parents, lack of affection and a notable indifference on the part of close people.

The malaise that began in childhood and continued into maturity continues to be present in their lives. Therefore, when the time comes to reflect on it, the great question may arise: can broken souls stop being broken? As well as the following: is it possible to live beyond that suffering?

The normalization of abuse: a very harsh reality

Woman behind a fence

When abuse enters a relationship there is an abuser and a victim. In the case of the second, many people who love her will try to make her see reason, open her eyes. However, this is a difficult process because the victim generally cannot open their eyes like others around them do.

Due to the deficiencies and abuses suffered in childhood, the victim has normalized certain negative behaviors. An insult, a slap, a bad word, or a humbling attitude. This is partly because broken souls consider that they do not live anything new.

Only when the victim begins to be aware that nothing is going well does awakening and fear of change arise. She feels confused, fearful, and powerless, but still, in one way or another, she begins to resist and rebel as best she can. You don’t want to live like this anymore, but you don’t know how to get out of the situation, which is very stressful.

The two faces of the same coin

Although it is difficult to believe, both the abuser and the victim are two sides of the same coin. Both suffered in their childhood, although their way of manifesting it is very different.

The attempt to have power over the other

The abuser exercises that power that was taken from him in his childhood. You don’t want to be hurt, you don’t want to feel weak. Therefore, it hurts whoever it loves the most, but, above all, the most vulnerable.

The need to please

Instead, the victim seeks to please the other person by accepting them and offering them loving words. He feels that he must do everything right and not fail. If not, consider it logical and acceptable to receive a reprimand for it.

The big problem is that every victim becomes a broken soul. Someone who is being ripped apart from the inside, using her, hurting her in the vilest ways, threatening her, and sometimes killing her.

The victim does not have the resources to defend himself, since he has never learned them. What he has learned, and very well, is to hide his feelings and to suffer inside. A loop that you can get out of with the necessary patience, waiting and determination.

Rebuilding broken souls

We will not deny that many broken souls can never be rebuilt. Everything that happens to us when we are small affects us in a significant way in later periods of our lives.

However, if you have had the right people and have managed to draw strength from where you did not know you had to question everything they had taught you, all that instilled fear … You have hope.

You come out of that destructive and painful relationship that has dug a hole, deeper if possible, in your heart and soul.

Sad and lonely man sitting on a bench.

Start a new path

You have left that relationship and now is the time to start a new path. Surrounding yourself with people who love you will be an important incentive, as well as seeking professional help to guide you in a specific and correct way.

Step by step, calmly and without haste, the broken souls pick up those bits that others caused, but that can always stick together again.

It is clear that there will be cracks and deep marks from what has been lived. Because no one can forget and everything we have experienced has made us what we are today. However, the positive is in being better, in taking it as an experience and moving forward with all those scars that we have, but that we have managed to heal properly.

Broken souls can rebuild and move on

Never make the same mistakes again. Change the perception of what they previously believed to be correct and incorrect.

There is a before and a during in every abusive relationship. Do not forget that there is also an after and this is an opportunity to modify everything.

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