Learn To Be Sad, Learn To Lose The Battle

We must stop seeing the fact of being sad as something bad and realize that the situations that teach us the most are usually negative, so they are not so unfavorable either

If someone tells you “learn to be sad”, it is most likely that you will get angry or feel rejection at these words that you may consider quite pretentious.

However, this happens to you because sadness is considered a negative thing, something that should be avoided at all costs when, in reality, it has a function in our lives.

We tend to avoid, ignore and escape from all those negative emotions that can touch us. Sometimes we do not allow ourselves to cry, be angry, feel anger, because all this “is wrong.”

However, today we tell you that you must learn to be sad, to lose each and every one of the battles that you have not been able to win. Because, as in any game, it  is so important to know how to lose if we are not victorious.

Learn to be sad to avoid depression

be sad

If you do not learn to be sad, to lose, sooner or later depression will take its place in your life.

All this because in your day to day there will always be people who will hurt you, situations that will throw you to the ground and circumstances that will allow you to feel pain even in the depths of your being.

However, none of this is negative, because none of this has a possible way of being avoided. Adversities happen, but not to annoy us or because we have bad luck, but to make us much stronger.

Victimism, not being assertive and allowing any pain to turn into suffering will lead us, sooner or later, to find ourselves with the dreaded depression.

All this happens because we refuse to see reality as it is. We reject her as if this is of any use. Do you remember that phrase that says “if what worries you so much has a solution, you no longer have to worry; If you don’t have it, why worry?

Well, the same thing happens with everything that happens in life. It has a solution? Could you have prevented it? No. So, accept it, see the bright side and take it as an opportunity for maturity and growth.

Learn to lose all your battles one by one

be sad

Sometimes you have to know when to throw in the towel, give yourself time to cry, to go through a duel. This does not mean that you have resigned. This is how you learn to be sad, not to dramatize reality excessively.

Crying helps to eliminate all the frustration for what we have not been able to control. To let the wounds fester and heal. Crying clears our mind and allows us to see things in a much clearer way.

After crying, you will know that it is useless to reject something inevitable and that it was not in your power to stop. You have to give up but avoid resignation. Resignation always brings a dose of suffering, so it is not a recommended option. If we can get through it, we will be able to find total acceptance.

If you find it difficult to accept what is happening to you, open your mind and always keep the following question very present: “ What am I gaining with what I am losing? “. This will help you.

The power of time

Time is essential so that the previous steps allow you to overcome that “being sad” to “be fine” again. We tend to be very afraid of being bad for a long period, sad … However, this will allow us to heal, to take perspective on what happened.

Being sad is not negative, it is just a state that urges us to stop and, above all, to look within ourselves.

The smart thing is not to swim against the current, but with the current. We have the false belief that doing the latter means giving up, but perhaps losing the battle actually means winning it.

Lose or win in this life, being sad or happy, everything always has a positive result if you manage to accept situations, embrace them and get all the good that they are offering you.

Also, if you think about it, you always learn more from all those situations in which you lose than from those you win.

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