7 Perfect Tips To Always Keep Your House Tidy

You are out all day and when you arrive after so much work and problems, the living room, the bedroom and the kitchen are a disaster. Things thrown around here and there, dirty clothes out of the basket, unwashed dishes from yesterday … but you don’t feel like accommodating anything. However, you would give anything to keep the house in order.

For this reason, in this article we give you some simple and practical tricks to achieve it without great effort.

Tidy house: mission impossible?

Especially when we have children, or when we spend many hours in the office, it is normal that the home is not too comfortable. As soon as you arrive, you leave your bag, jacket and keys anywhere. Also, children do not put their toys away and dishes spend hours in the sink.

Of course nobody likes to live like this. However, we do not always have time to take care of the order and cleaning of the home. The lack of tools and the amount of daily tasks can even lead to an anxiety problem, as this study by Dr. J. Américo Reyes-Ticas suggests .

Because, did you know that actually getting your house in order requires an initial effort and then a minimal commitment?

These tricks to keep the environments tidy and clean for longer will be very useful. Keep reading.

Tips to achieve it

1. Don’t let clutter spread throughout the house


We could say that the maxim is “disorder attracts more disorder.” This means that if, for example, in your room there are things thrown on the floor and others in the wrong places, almost as if by magic this will “spread” to other environments.

The mind works in a very strange way. Instead of taking action to try to keep the house tidy, he will think: “Since it is uncomfortable there … well here too.”

On the contrary, if in one sector of the house everything is in its place, the mind will want to repeat it in other corners. Try it and you will see.

2. You use it, you keep it

Or also, “you touch it, you do it.”

  • For example, when you do the shopping, you take all the products out of the bags and store them in the fridge or cupboard as appropriate. In addition, you fold the bags and place them in the designated drawer for them.
  • When you finish eating, you pick up the things from the table and take them straight to the dishwasher.
  • If you’ve tried on a skirt that you don’t want to wear, you put it back in the closet.
  • When the paper runs out in the bathroom, you change it for a new one. And so with everything.

3. Do not accumulate

Do not accumulate to have the house tidy

This trick can be used for any area of ​​life. What does not work, do not get in the way. The less things you have at home, the easier it will be to keep your house tidy. Minimalism or Zen decoration are perfect in these cases.

Wiping an empty table is not the same as wiping a piece of furniture full of ornaments, photo frames, decorative objects, etc. If your room was not cluttered with things, cleaning would be finished in a matter of minutes.

4. Time by environment

Is your cleaning day Saturday or Sunday (like many people)? So you don’t want to spend a whole morning or an afternoon scrubbing and tidying.

A good way to avoid this is to define the time you need for each room. For example, 15 minutes for the bathroom, 20 minutes for the kitchen, 15 minutes for the living room, etc.

You can even set an alarm. You will be more efficient and even take the opportunity to do some exercise thanks to the thorough cleaning.

5. Order what is most used first

Tricks to keep the house tidy

What are the environments that are “more visible” or in which you spend the most time? Maybe it’s the living room or the kitchen, maybe the bedroom or the dining room. Start with them.

Remember that if those sites are ordered then you will have more energy to clean the others. In this way everything will be much easier.

6. Have fun in the process

Who says cleaning and tidying up the house has to be boring and tedious? You can make it very entertaining with small actions.

From buying colored gloves to vintage containers to innovating with homemade cleaning products. There is a world of options.

And, of course, the most effective of all: Putting on music! You can create a list of upbeat songs to dance and sing along to while cleaning.

7. Make an organization and cleaning plan

Make an organization and cleaning plan to keep the house tidy

It is as simple as defining tasks for each day of the week. If you do a little daily, on the weekend you won’t have to spend hours scrubbing and washing.

For example, on Mondays, clean the kitchen, on Tuesdays, sweep, on Wednesdays, take care of the bathroom, on Thursdays, tidy up the rooms, on Fridays, do laundry, on Saturdays, iron, and on Sundays, scrub the floors.

It also includes weekly or monthly tasks. For example, tidying up the garage, cleaning the refrigerator, or washing the windows.

More tips to keep your house tidy

The following list of tips can be very helpful for day to day. If you want to always keep the house neat and organized, do the following:

  • Save everything as soon as you arrive (coat, keys, purse).
  • Make the bed every day.
  • Gather your clothes before going to bed.
  • Organize cleanliness and order with your family.
  • Empty trash cans every day.
  • Order every day 10 minutes.

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