Did You Know That Your Brain Loves Coffee? Helps You Stay Young!

We know, you love coffee and it is that “magic drink” without which you could not start your day. Now, surely more than once you have wondered if it will be as good as they say for your health.

Coffee is a natural stimulant, which is why sometimes you worry if your blood pressure is going to rise or if it is going to give you a headache. Is it better then to buy decaffeinated coffee?

The real secret to making coffee healthy for everyone is to drink it in moderation. Two cups a day (about 200 ml) are enough. In this way, you promote the health of your liver, obtain energy and improve even your mood.

This study can offer a brief summary, for example, of how it could benefit performance, combat obesity, help regulate cholesterol levels, among other benefits that depend, to a greater extent, on issues such as the biology of each person, the reaction to drinking coffee in adequate and responsible doses, among others.

Now, if there is an organ in our body that this substance benefits, it is our brain. We explain why, and we invite you to enjoy those morning cups with complete peace of mind.

A coffee for the brain, please …

For all of us who love coffee, it will be curious to know the following information:

Caffeine is actually a chemical compound known as “1,3,7-trimethylxanthine (C 8 H 10 N 4 O 2 ).” In the world there are more than 60 kinds of coffee, and this type of compound can be found in turn in tea or yerba mate.

The activating effect of this substance lasts between 1 hour and 3 hours, enough to allow us to start the day with energy. With the mechanism by which caffeine manages to activate us, we are now going to address how it could somehow benefit your brain.

Do not forget to read: 8 nutrients that benefit the brain. Include them in your diet!

1. Coffee prevents cognitive decline due to stress and age

According to work published in the  Journal of Alzheimer Disease,  coffee can slow cognitive decline and make diseases like Alzheimer’s take longer to appear.

The work was carried out at the universities of Florida and Miami (United States) and it was concluded that the regular consumption of two daily cups of coffee prevented the appearance of dementia or delayed its onset  in people over 65 years of age.

We could say with this that caffeine acts as a protector so that our brain connections continue to function normally, preventing their deterioration and the appearance of those myelin plaques that favor the appearance of Alzheimer’s.

And what about stress? Is it appropriate to drink coffee when we have a day of great restlessness and stress? This data will attract your attention.

According to a work published in the British journal of psychology Journal of applied social Psychology , drinking coffee in a moderate way (no more than 2 cups a day) is suitable only for women in stressful situations, but not for men.

In this work, it was discovered that dopamine rises in women, which makes us more effective at work and more focused on the task. However, in men, it increases their nervousness and even their aggressiveness.

2. Coffee helps us maintain attention

Memory (2)

Coffee improves our memory, but only “short-term memory.” That is, caffeine is capable of improving our basic cognitive processes such as memory and attention, as long as we do not overdo it. The latter must always be kept in mind.

It will allow us to improve our retention capacity and we will be able to focus better on things during the time that the effect of caffeine lasts.

However, it is important to know that the moment we mix the coffee with milk or a lot of sugar, these benefits are reduced.

3. Caffeine relieves Parkinson’s symptoms and helps delay its onset

As explained in the journal Neurology,  patients who already suffer from Parkinson’s disease manage to relieve their  drowsiness  after that morning cup of coffee.

In addition, they are more social, active and even improve their motor skills, as long as the consumption of coffee is regular.

The neurodegenerative process of this ailment can be improved thanks to caffeine, hence the continuous studies and experiments that are currently being carried out around the world.

In conclusion, our brain loves coffee because it not only stimulates it, but also improves many of its neural processes.

In this way, as long as we regularly consume those two cups a day, we will be improving not only our liver health, for example, but we will be able to prevent and delay the appearance of many diseases.

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