How To Make Lavender Lemonade To Relieve Headaches And Anxiety

Sometimes simple remedies from ingredients that you can find at home will give you good results. The use of lavender to relieve both headaches and anxiety, for example, is a natural resource that has been used since ancient times.

It was enough, for example, to moisten a clean cloth with lavender water to apply it on the forehead and thus reduce tension and nervousness. It was simple natural medicine from which today we have inherited many aspects that continue to give us good results.

Now, something that we must be clear about is that to better manage anxiety states and that headache that appears so often as a psychosomatic symptom, it is best to consult a doctor who is an expert on the subject.

It will always be our doctors who offer us a diagnosis in the first place. Later we will follow the prescribed treatment.

However, it is always appropriate to follow certain complementary recommendations. Improving our lifestyle habits, eating better, carrying out practices such as Mindfulness or some physical exercise are undoubtedly highly recommended approaches.

Also, this natural remedy can also help us. This is a delicious lavender lemonade.

Lavender, a medicinal plant that reduces headaches and anxiety

They often say that the fragrance of lavender is one of the most captivating, hence the Romans, for example, used this plant to take relaxing baths where they wrap themselves in its good smell and eliminate tension.

The very word “lavender” comes from a Roman word: “lavandula” , which in turn has its roots in “washing”, referring to its ability to renew us inside and out, eliminating tensions and purifying us.

  • Also read tips and remedies for anxiety

We can find lavender in all its forms in any natural store: from the dried plant itself, to essential oils, soaps, infusions.

Benefits of lavender according to science

Studies such as the one carried out at the University of Münster, Germany, show us that lavender has multiple benefits, they are the following:

  • It enhances sleep quality.
  • Inhaling lavender essential oil, for example, reduces pain associated with migraines.
  • Lavender is also a relaxant for the nervous system. It is useful to relax, improve our cognitive processes, relieve muscle tension …
  • Lavender essential oil has more than 150 active components, and they are very effective in reducing both stress and anxiety. We can take it as an infusion, take baths or simply enjoy its smell.
  • Lavender also acts as a good anti-inflammatory, is antibacterial, detoxifying, hypotensive, without forgetting its well-known sedative action.

It has been used since ancient times as a remedy to relieve nerves, as we have indicated at the beginning. Hence, it is one of the most used plants in aromatherapy.

  • One of the most common ways lavender is used to eliminate headache and anxiety discomfort is through lemonade.

The benefits of combining lavender with lemon

Lemon juice for headaches

In our remedy to reduce headaches and anxiety we are going to use a delicious combination of lemon and lavender. We already know the benefits of washing, so… How can lemon help us in this case?

According to studies conducted by the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, lemon has many beneficial properties for the body.

  • Lemon is a natural source of vitamin C and multiple minerals. It helps us balance electrolytes, those free ions that promote good electrical conduction in our body.
    • Lemon enhances the virtues of lavender : revitalizes, reduces inflammation and promotes blood circulation.
    • Many people use a simple remedy to eliminate a black headache, and it is by combining lemon, water and Himalayan salt. In this case, lavender and lemon will offer us the same results.

    It is worth a try.

    How To Make My Lavender Lemonade To Reduce A Headache And Anxiety

    lavender for headache

    Ingredients for 1 liter of lemonade

    • 3 tablespoons of dried lavender (3o g)
    • 1 liter of water
    • 2 lemons
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
    • 4 ice cubes
    • A large jug


    • We will start by making the lavender infusion. To do this, we heat half a liter of water in our kettle. When it comes to a boil, add those 3 tablespoons of the medicinal plant along with the tablespoon of honey, and allow it to infuse for 15-20 minutes.
      • Once you have it ready, let it rest for another ten and then proceed to strain all the content, leaving only the water obtained. Point out that the images above are only a form of presentation. In fact, it is not common for this drink to take on that purplish hue.
      • Once it has settled, we will mix it with the other half a liter of water.
      • It is time to make our lemon juice. Get it from those two lemons and reserve the rind of one of them.
      • Now mix the infusion of lavender and honey together with the lemon juice. Finally, cut the lemon rind into small pieces and place them in the pitcher that you are going to use to serve the lavender lemonade.
      • If you add those 4 ice cubes you will get a drink that is as refreshing as it is delicious.

      Tell you that this relaxing drink will only work if you spend at least one hour off. It is about knowing how to disconnect, helping you with this healthy natural remedy to relax nerves and promote blood circulation.

      To conclude, it is important to know that the infusion of lavender, as well as the consumption of its essential oil, will not be recommended for children under 6 years of age, nor for those who suffer from intestinal problems such as Crohn’s disease, ulcers or gastritis.

      Likewise, let’s not forget that when it comes to treating anxiety, the best thing to do is seek expert and specialized help.

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