Fig Smoothie To Treat Osteoporosis: Very Medicinal!

Have you ever tried the delicious fig smoothie? Its flavor is an experience for our senses. Halfway between the exotic and the medicinal, this drink is actually a gift of virtue for our palates loaded with nutrients and that could help prevent osteoporosis.

Women of a certain age, with menopause, suffer a decrease in estrogens, which leads to worse bone density. If you are in this phase of life, do not hesitate to go to your doctor for advice on osteoporosis.

Figs are an autumn fruit that is easy to find in many countries, which is why we recommend consuming them throughout the season, if possible, to cover that calcium deficiency that women usually suffer and that tomorrow usually results in osteoporosis.

So don’t miss this article and take good note of how you should prepare your tasty fig smoothie.

Benefits of figs


White figs, red figs, dried, natural … They have that mixture between exquisite sweetness and a certain acidity that make them very suitable for any dessert, for any smoothie or yogurt that we want to prepare to benefit from their properties.

Discover now all that this wonderful fruit can do for you.

1. Figs, perfect to avoid constipation

Surely you already knew. Those small seeds that hide in its pulp are excellent for our intestinal transit. They act as a very mild laxative that will help us every day to be able to go to the bathroom with ease.

It is a delicate fruit with a lot of fiber that stands out as a very suitable food for those days when, for example, we suffer from a gastrointestinal problem.

2. Very nutritious!

Figs are fantastic to start the day: you can combine them with a white yogurt, with your bowl of oatmeal or preparing a rich smoothie like the one we present today. This fruit contains a lot of water and, in addition, it is incredibly rich in the following elements:

  • Iron.
  • Calcium.
  • Potassium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Match.
  • Zinc.
  • Copper.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamins of group B.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin A.

As a fact to take into account, we will also tell you that if we consume them, for example, in their dry form, we will have the richest natural source of selenium, ideal for the body.

3. Figs, the fruit richest in calcium

Did you know? That’s how it is. Figs stand out as the fruits with the highest content in calcium and folic acid, hence they are one of those most recommended vegetable sources to supply the deficiency that women usually have with this mineral.

Although it is not assimilated the same as the calcium in milk, it can be a great substitute for this food if we do not tolerate it. Especially if we consume dried figs, where the calcium per serving will be increased.

A wonderful way to take advantage of its virtues is through this morning fig smoothie. A very good way to start the day with energy. It is worth a try.

Read this article: How to prepare a calcium-rich remedy to prevent osteoporosis

4. Its caloric content is not very high

Obviously, we should not consume figs in high quantities. It is enough with about 4 a day, for example. However, this fruit has about 65 Kcal per 100g. Thus, it is not something very high and it is worth introducing it into our diet with balance and moderation.

Remember that this is valid for fresh figs, while dried figs have up to 227kcal per 100g.

How should I prepare my fig smoothie?

Fig-and-yogurt smoothie


  • 4 ripe figs.
  • A glass of vegetable milk (almond or walnut, whichever you want). If you are not lactose intolerant, you can include a glass of semi-skimmed milk.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (30 g).



Read this article: Figs: natural energy. Sweet, but suitable for your bones

  • This smoothie is really easy to make. The most important thing is to choose the milk with which you want to make the mixture. If you don’t have a problem digesting cow’s milk, you can include it. If you want to prepare a smoothie rich in calcium, then choose to add nuts to the drink, although you should know that it has a fairly high caloric index. So, choose the one you see fit yourself, even with the classic oatmeal water it is delicious.
  • To make the smoothie, you just have to remove the skin from the figs and then take them to your blender along with the glass of milk and that tablespoon of honey. Now you have to beat at maximum speed to get the figs to be well homogeneous. If you see that it is not possible and that there are some traces of the figs, a good resource is to add a natural white yogurt.
    • It would be indicated that you take this drink every morning while we are in fig season. As we have pointed out before, in order not to exceed the caloric index that this fruit gives us, the most appropriate thing is to consume about four figs a day, either natural or in a dry form. In this way, we will get a good dose of energy, fiber, vitamins … And a lot of calcium for our bones!

    This fig smoothie, apart from being delicious, is not magical. For this reason, for a correct prevention of osteoporosis, consult a health specialist and lead a healthy life, perform resistance exercise to improve your bone density and eat balanced, providing enough calcium to your body.

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