Discover The Incredible Lemon Diet And Its Health Benefits

The vitamin C contained in lemon stimulates the functioning of the immune system, which is useful against common colds.

There is a new diet focused on weight loss, the lemon diet. It should be said that although there is still much to discover, as there is not  enough scientific evidence to support all the benefits it claims to provide.

Although it is always better to opt for a balanced and healthy diet, according to the needs of the body, at specific times, it may be useful to take as a reference certain models, such as the following diet that we are going to talk about.

Lemon diet


The lemon diet is one of the “miracle diets” that promises to act quickly. It also belongs to the group of detox eating plans thanks to the nutritional properties of this fruit and the properties attributed to it in the popular sphere.

Do not imagine that it is about eating only lemon. No. It consists of drinking a glass of lemonade every morning for a specified time. But it is not that easy either. We are not talking about ordinary lemonade. We refer to the combination of warm water with the juice of a squeezed lemon.

Of course, you must accompany this routine with a healthy eating plan and with a lot of exercise, otherwise, it will not be possible to reduce your body weight.

Benefits of the lemon diet for your body

Lemon is a highly valued fruit for its vitamin C content. However, experts from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation explain that it is not only a source of this particular vitamin; “It is a good source of potassium and vitamin C … it provides the vitamin B complex, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.”

For all this, it is considered that lemon is capable of providing multiple health benefits. In addition, in the popular field it is said that its acids help burn fat and thus promote weight loss more easily.

Activates the immune system

Thanks to the vitamin C of the lemon, the immune system could be strengthened. In this way, the chances of suffering viral infections will be reduced, according to a study published in The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology.


As the lemon diet is a detox diet , it is believed that it could help cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. This is mainly due to the increase in urine volume from the increase in fluid intake.


Lemons have flavonoids, which are chemical elements that help reduce inflammation and pain, according to a study published in 2019.

Water with lemon

Improves digestion

The lemon water would help regulate the process of decomposition of food, so it will improve the digestive impulse. On the other hand, it would regulate the problems that you may suffer in the digestive tract.

Helps to lose weight

Consuming a glass of water with lemon on an empty stomach stimulates the feeling of satiety. It does not mean that you will not want to eat, but you will not feel anxiety about eating.

Managing the appetite mechanism is essential when planning a diet that aims to lose weight.

Activates the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is related to the immune system. Both are responsible for defending the body from any disease. Thanks to the properties of lemon water, toxins leave the body and then all the glands, vessels and lymphatic tissues will be able to act effectively.

Reduce the cholesterol

The fiber, flavonoids, and polyphenols in lemon may help modulate high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). In addition, its antioxidant capacity prevents the oxidation of LDL lipoprotein, which is related to an increased cardiovascular risk.

Provides more energy

Including lemon water in your diet can be a good decision to fight against sedentary lifestyle. Consuming this drink will make you feel more energetic to carry out your daily tasks. This energy contribution may be what you need to start practicing sports.

One of the most popular fruit drinks is water flavored with lemon wedges.

Guidelines you must follow

As with any other diet, you must follow some guidelines. Although it is a question of drinking a glass of warm water with the juice of a lemon, there are details that you should take into account:

  • Go on the diet for five days, not one more, not one less.
  • Drink the infusion every day along with every meal.
  • Drink lots of water throughout the day. You must maintain the water level that the body needs. This way, you won’t retain fluids. Two liters of water is enough.
  • Eliminate fat from your menu. Fried foods, processed foods, sauces, etc. are prohibited during these five days. Your diet must be very healthy so that detoxification is not affected.
  • The first day is a partial fast. It may represent the most complicated day, but this will be the signal that will tell your body that your calorie intake will change. The metabolic activities will be new and hence the even greater effects.

The lemon diet, a partially restrictive regimen

The lemon diet is characterized by including a glass of water with lemon on an empty stomach and by making some dietary restrictions related to limiting the intake of fatty foods.

It promises miraculous results that are not backed by the scientific community. Experts support varied and balanced diet plans, along with regular physical exercise.

However, if you are in favor of this type of diet, remember to consult your doctor or nutritionist before putting it into practice. In this way you will minimize its side effects.

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