Energy Nutrition For The Health Of Your Liver

The need to strengthen our liver and provide it with maximum energy is key to enjoying a healthy life. We explain how to improve your nutrition to avoid associated diseases and provide energy to this essential organ.

Energy nutrition and the health of our liver

Liver Woman

The simple word “energetic” may have surprised you. But at the end of the day it is what people do every day: obtain energy from our food.

However, sometimes this energy is not the most appropriate, but the most harmful. Through incorrect nutrition habits, what we gradually cause is that our liver becomes ill, as stated in studies like this one from 2015.

And what happens when the liver gets sick? We will notice it immediately in our health in general, when we contract more infections, when we gain or lose weight, when we feel swollen, weak or dizzy, when we have severe headaches, or even a yellowish skin tone … we have to go with a lot take care and attend to all these symptoms to show it to our doctors.

As stated by Dr. Jorge Pérez Calvo in his book Energy nutrition for liver and gallbladder health, energy and adequate nutrition is therefore a key element for your health, especially for one specific aspect.

This aspect consists of the fact that we must remember that the liver is the one that purifies the organism, detoxifies us and is responsible for synthesizing many enzymes and vitamins … how can we not offer it a suitable nutrition then?

What nutrition can provide adequate energy for my liver?

If you think you need to improve the health of your liver, you must be aware that you need a change. To feel better, you must change and improve some dimensions of your life. And that requires will and perseverance. We give you the following keys:

1. Eat oats


An excellent way to start the day with a delicious and adequate food. Oatmeal is energetic, healthy, it helps us take care of our liver and colon.

What oats does is provide that necessary fiber, with which the stool is softer and we expel it more easily. Having a healthy colon and intestines greatly favors liver health, as stated in the study by Kirpich (2015) cited above.

In addition, this food helps reduce bad cholesterol, thus facilitating the liver’s function to eliminate these harmful substances from the body.

2. Best vegetable proteins

The body processes vegetable proteins much better, but that does not mean that we should stop eating meat; just avoid or reduce the consumption of red meat and substitute them for turkey meat or chicken breast, for example.

You can find rich proteins in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, also in crucifers, ideal for providing energy to the liver, such as Brussels sprouts, which stand out for their antioxidant properties.

3. The best natural drinks for energy


Keep in mind that the following are recipes for traditional medicine, although the properties of the ingredients are scientifically proven. In any case, consult a nutritionist before resorting to them:

  • Dandelion infusion: can help facilitate digestion.
  • Ginger infusion: reduces inflammation, hydrates and protects liver and digestive health. A simple remedy that we can take every day.
  • Beet and lemon juice: it is very therapeutic and suitable, beneficial for digestive processes, according to studies. To prepare it, a traditional recipe indicates that you only have to take a beet medium, peel it, cut it into small pieces and place it in the blender. Also add the juice of half a lemon and half a glass of water. Get a homogeneous mixture and drink little by little.
  • Watercress juice: watercress is also very healthy for our liver, although it can also be harmful if consumed in excess. To do this, you must take a handful of watercress, about five or six. Boil them in a glass of water until they come to a boil, and then let them rest. Strain the contents and drink very little by little when it is warm.

4. Important dietary guidelines

Again, it is necessary to consult with a nutritionist before making any dietary changes. We must remember that not all organisms have the same nutritional needs or reactions in the same way to the intake of various foods.

Beyond this, certain habits are usually recommended in a general way:

  • Avoid consuming processed foods, with fats or preservatives.
  • Eat when you’re hungry, never force yourself. In addition, it is advisable to maintain a stable rhythm in terms of schedules and avoid overeating between meals.
  • Avoid eating when you are very nervous or under high stress. Try to relax, only then will your nutrition take place optimally.

Finally, try to lead healthy lifestyle habits, avoiding negative emotions and stress. All this, whether you like it or not, will also damage the health of your liver.

In essence, it is about maintaining a balance between our food and our emotions. In this way, we will promote the well-being of the organism and the body will be able to protect us more efficiently from certain diseases.

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