Be Careful, Bad Mood Is A Very Contagious Virus

We have all been through those days when the bad mood has made an appearance.

It is like an inner pressure and a veil that makes us see things not with discouragement, but with a certain resentment, apathy and a lot of discomfort.

Most likely, they have been specific moments that, after a very short time, end up evaporating because you know how to channel it, because you focus on other aspects that deter that sudden discomfort.

Now … Do you know someone who seems to live in an eternal state of mind where the bad humor does not give respite to his words and expression? In these cases it is important to know that this discomfort can very well be contagious.

Or at least that is how a study carried out in 2012 by Dr. Lewandowsky and published in the journal “Scientific American” explains it.

When the bad mood catches us

When the bad mood arrives, the day turns into night and also into a storm. However, most of the time “they are punctual explosions”.

In general, that feeling where anxiety, anger and pessimism mix equally is something very limited in time.

Many people often confront a bad mood with internal dialogue, with figuring out what causes it and managing that emotion.

It is always very advisable to go for a walk, to do some sport to relieve that internal tension and, at the same time, relativize thoughts.

Now, in turn, we also have those other “caged” personalities in a permanent bad mood that can become as destructive to themselves as it is to others.

What produces it? What are the most common causes that determine it?

  • The fact that your own expectations are not met.
  • Anger and bad humor also serve their function: to alert us that there is something that bothers us. There are people who face their discomfort, channel it and resolve the anger.
  • Those who store it and don’t manage it further heighten negative emotion. There is also a clear inability to cope with problems.
  • This inner discomfort tends to turn into rejection, sometimes towards oneself and also towards others.
  • Personal discomfort generates frustration.
  • People with a chronic bad mood do not have the capacity for reflection, self-assessment or adequate emotional management.
  • There is a denial of reality.
  • Sometimes a permanent bad mood is a reflection of a self-centered mindset where your problems are always the highest priority.

The bad mood is transmitted

Indeed. This was made clear to us by the study cited at the beginning and by various scientific publications from which the following can be extracted:

  • A person’s attitude, whether positive or negative, always ends up affecting us in some way.
  • A chronic bad mood from a close family member or friend is always uncomfortable for us and ends up generating negative emotions and even discouragement in us.
  • What happens is that we develop a series of almost unconscious mechanisms that end up infecting us with that bad mood.
  • First, we carry out an imitation of gestures. If the other person frowns and shows discomfort on their face, we will do the same because we are empathizing.

Something that we must not forget is that every facial expression generates an emotion. We just have to draw a smile on ourselves to feel positive feelings.

So, if we lower our face, if we frown, if we turn off our natural smile, soon, negative feelings will arrive.

It is curious even how in a small space but with several individuals, such as an office, sometimes it is enough for one person to be in a bad mood, so that the rest end up feeling the same way.

How to protect ourselves from the bad mood virus

An essential strategy to defend ourselves from the bad mood of others is to use what is called the “emotional raincoat”. What does it consist of?

Take note, it sure helps you:

  • When a person begins to talk to you about negative aspects, when they use criticism and generate a type of language loaded with discouragement, try to introduce positive resources:

“Good, but there are better days”,

“Good, but today is a good day and you have to take advantage of it”,

“Okay, but you are worth a lot and you will be able to with everything”,

“I understand it, but we all have gray days, and you have to be happy.”

  • Very negative people may take these phrases as an affront or as if they do not understand them. Actually, you try to show them closeness, but what you should do is protect yourself so that none of it affects you.
  • You will need to make a conscious effort to deflect that thread of extreme negativity. Take into account your facial expressions, do not imitate who you have in front of you. Get an impassive expression where your smile is calm.
  • Just nod your head to let the other person know that you are listening.

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