10 Possible Causes Of Body Pain

There are varied and very diverse causes of body pain. It is such a common symptom that it could actually be attributed to almost any condition. It is also one of the common reasons for consultation.

It is defined as a subjective experience that generates an emotional impact and a worsening of the quality of life, both for the patient and their environment. This, especially, is noticeable in chronic cases.

In many cases, the evolution of pain will be acute, as in infections, and it is expected to be self-limited. On the other hand, at other times, it can become prolonged and even chronic. We tell you today about 10 causes of body pain that have a relative frequency among the general population.

10 most common causes of body pain

Woman with flu pain

1. Flu

The flu is an acute respiratory illness caused by influenza A or B viruses, which occurs mostly during the winter season. Its distribution is worldwide, and there is no geographical area that is alien to the epidemics of the cold season.

The infectious process itself is self-limited and uncomplicated. However, it is associated with higher mortality in certain populations at risk, such as people with chronic diseases and the immunocompromised. In them an annual preventive vaccination is recommended.

In patients with uncomplicated influenza, the illness can last a week or more. Sep presents with respiratory symptoms, such as runny nose, sore throat, and cough; along with fever, headache, myalgia (muscle pain), and weakness. Inflammation, especially in the throat, chest, and lungs, can also be painful.

2. Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is the most common cause of chronic widespread skeletal and muscular body pain. I know It occurs in up to 2% to 8% of the population. The pain is often accompanied by fatigue, memory problems, and sleep disturbances. The etiology is unknown.

It is seen most often in women between the ages of 20 and 55. Patients have no abnormalities on physical examination other than generalized soft tissue tenderness. Laboratory and radiological studies are normal.

Treatment is aimed at reducing the main symptoms of this disorder, and a variety of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies are used. Sessions of rehabilitation and support by mental health professionals.

3. Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease whose cause remains uncertain. Being chronic and affecting a large part of the body, it is a disabling disorder that drastically limits the activities of patients.

Its diagnosis is usually delayed or difficult, given the absence of corroborating studies . People with the problem have headaches, muscle pain and pain in various joints.

L he National Academy of Medicine has developed a series of criteria for its diagnosis, which facilitate it. There must be d Substantial deterioration in the ability to participate in occupational, educational, social or personal activities that persists for more than 6 months and is accompanied by fatigue that does not subside with rest.

4. Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease (the immune system attacks its own tissues), chronic and of unknown cause. It can affect any organ in the body, actually, and not just focus on one particular system.  Due to damage and inflammation, body aches are common.

Also, patients may have fatigue, rashes, random fever, swelling or redness around the joints, seizures, and sensitivity to sunlight. Treatment is complex because the response to medications is variable.

5. Disease Lyme

Lyme disease is a condition transmitted by ticks. S It is characterized by the appearance of characteristic skin lesions in the form of migratory erythema (reddish spot on the skin). There are pain in the large joints, fatigue, headaches and even muscle aches such as pinpricks.

6. Infectious mononucleosis

Infectious mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It is also called kissing disease , since its transmission through saliva is part of the mode of spread.

S and characterized by a presence of fever, pharyngitis, fatigue, swollen glands, headaches, general malaise, and generalized body pain. Its evolution is self-limited, but the depletion of the physical reserves of the patients is very noticeable. During the period of greatest activity of the pathology, it becomes impossible for them to sustain basic activities.

7. Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic disorder of unknown origin. It is known that the underlying process that generates it is autoimmunity, but the situations that trigger the onset of symptoms are varied.

It mainly affects the joints, symmetrically, and leads to their destruction, causing deformities.   In addition to pain, patients may manifest fatigue, myalgia, fever, weight loss, and depression. Its chronic condition and the evolution in acute episodes make the approach not an easy task.

8. Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease, that is, it damages the myelin layer of the nerves. It is autoimmune and constitutes the most common of these pathologies of the central nervous system. 

Patients may have pain, tingling, and other abnormal sensations. Other symptoms include weakness, exhaustion, blurred vision, temporary or permanent blindness, difficulty walking or standing, and memory disorders.

9. Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it takes in from drinking or eating. It can be caused by vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, or medications that make you urinate more than normal. Children and older adults are more likely to suffer from it.

Body water is an essential element for the proper functioning of the body, so its  decrease it will generate multiple symptoms, such as excessive thirst, little urination, dry mouth, chapped lips, confusion and tiredness. It is a cause of body pain because the muscles, when dehydrated, generate toxic substances that irritate the nerve endings.

Pain in the back

10. Drug-induced myopathies

There is a long list of drugs, usually indicated by the doctor and also drugs of abuse, that can induce this phenomenon. The demonstrations They range from mild muscle pain and weakness to severe chronic injury with failure of both kidneys.

Some examples of myopathic medications and drugs are alcohol, cocaine, glucocorticoids, statins, antipsychotics, colchicine, and antiretrovirals. The adverse effect does not always appear, but care should be taken if these drugs are used.

Body pain has a variety of causes

The causes of body pain are so varied that listing them all would be impossible. Today we have presented you with the most frequent and those that most afflict the world population.

If you have persistent pain that you cannot explain and that alters your quality of life, you should consult a professional. It is important to identify the origins to implement an adequate treatment according to your needs. Avoid self-medication and make an appointment with your GP to remove your doubts.

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