Love Or Obsession?

When we like a person or have a partner, it is very common to confuse love with obsession. The line between these two emotions can be very thin. How to differentiate love from obsession? Here are some definitions.

When we meet a person who arouses strong emotions in us, it is easy to fall into an obsession concept. Although we all interpret it in different ways, certain behaviors can be confusing.

At first, it is difficult to clarify if we are feeling in love or if the emotions we experience have nothing to do with a sincere feeling.

Although we have the illusion of having found the ideal person, sometimes we realize that we feel an obsession that prevents us from being completely happy.

Love brings with it a healthy experience where freedom and trust predominate. Obsession, meanwhile, leads to a toxic and immature relationship.

We share some signs to clarify it.

You think about that person all day

think about it

Part of falling in love is thinking about that person a lot. However, when we keep it in our thoughts all day, the situation stops being healthy. Not being able to spend five seconds without thinking about what the other person is doing is obsessive behavior.

In fact, this can prevent concentration on everyday tasks of greater importance, since that someone becomes a strong distractor.

It bothers you that I don’t answer you

It is normal to want immediate attention from our partner; however, we cannot expect you to put aside your obligations to dedicate your time to us.

Getting angry or upset when the partner doesn’t answer is another obvious sign of obsession. The other person may be busy at work or may have strong reasons for not attending us at the moment.

You no longer spend time with yourself

As our relationship progresses, we dedicate much of our time to be with that person. What we should not do is give ourselves 100%, putting aside our own interests.

If the other person becomes a sole priority, something is not working as it should. Obsession makes us want to be with him / her at all times, putting aside our other loved ones and hobbies.

 You spy on your partner on social media: obsession!

Knowing what social media entails, sometimes we spend some time reviewing the posts of that person that we like so much. When does it stop being normal?

The situation begins to become obsessive when it becomes frequent or we spend a lot of time reviewing each word or action, both in your profile and in those of your friends.

Their interactions are beginning to become a source of insecurity. A simple “like” or comment from one of your friends triggers negative feelings.

You lose your self love


Prioritizing the other person is the first step to losing our self-love. If we add to this the insecurities that we begin to feel, little by little we notice that our self-esteem is on the ground.

In a happy, healthy relationship where love predominates, we feel secure of who we are. On the contrary, when we have obsessive thoughts, we reveal many defects that we did not even know existed.

Do you want to marry him / her

Like all people who fall in love, we can feel the desire to bond with that someone through marriage. However, the question is, how soon this desire is given or under what intentions.

An obsessed person considers that this is the best way to guarantee a future with their partner. He doesn’t want to know her well enough, thinks she’s the ideal person, and actually puts pressure on him to take such a step.

You don’t accept their flaws


When we are in love we have the ability to recognize and accept the defects of the other person. As we get to know her, we realize that her way of being is not so perfect and that there are negative aspects that can make us doubt.

If there is an obsessive behavior involved, it is very difficult to accept that that someone is not what we want them to be. We only exalt their qualities and we have a blindfold that prevents us from seeing their mistakes.

As a consequence, we get involved in a false relationship, full of deceptions. If we don’t stop it, we can be very disappointed.

Are you obsessed with a person? Try to take it easy to make the relationship work. If you continue with these behaviors, the bond between the two can end up being toxic.

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