6 Daily Habits That Make Us Age. Discover Them!

The passage of time is inevitable, but its greater or lesser incidence will also depend on our daily habits. Sometimes we resort to creams or expensive treatments to prevent those first wrinkles, but there are customs that without realizing it make us age.

Do you know that there are very simple ways to face the passage of time ? Today in our space we invite you to discover a series of customs and routines that make us grow old. Do we take note?

1. How do you eat?

Sometimes we have little time to cook. Work, obligations and rush force us to have to eat anything and quickly. Therefore, we resort more than is due to precooked food, to those frozen or prepared dishes that just heat in the microwave.

It is also very common that, due to stress, we lean more towards those foods full of acid flavors, fats, salted foods, sugars or refined flours. They fill us up but inflame us, make us gain weight, and raise our levels of bad cholesterol.

This poor diet translates into health problems and premature aging. Toxins alter our metabolism. Fluid retention and not being able to purify our body translate into dull and unhealthy skin. All of this makes us grow old.

Solution? We must become aware that a healthy diet is also synonymous with external beauty. Of defenses and antioxidants that protect us against free radicals and the passage of time.

Consume natural juices of orange, lemon, pineapple or strawberries. Prepare rich and varied salads every day, eat fresh vegetables, lean meats, oily fish, nuts … It is also important to eliminate salt and white sugar. You will notice it in the mirror!

2. Watch out for the sun

Sunbeam, one of the things that makes us grow old

We love the sun, especially in the summertime. Sunbathing carefully and at certain times of the day allows us to obtain vitamin D, essential for our health. But sometimes we go overboard.

  • The sun accelerates our aging, it is a great enemy for our skin if we expose ourselves to it regularly and without protection.
  • It is highly recommended that you remember to apply some type of sunscreen or filter. There are makeups that already give us that protection, interesting options that are worth taking into account.

3. Stress and negative emotions make us age

Constant suffering over time makes us grow old. It may seem somewhat exaggerated, but it is a clear reality that we must take into account.

  • Prolonging stress, which becomes chronic in our day to day, causes us to lose quality of life. Little by little we are unable to enjoy elementary things like the company of our own, those little moments where true happiness is inscribed.
  • When we fail to cope with sadness and suffering properly, our health suffers. Depression is always accompanied by physical problems, migraines, digestive and musculoskeletal problems. Physical and emotional suffering makes us age.

Try to control your stressful situations, establish priorities and cultivate your positive emotions through a quiet life, full of illusions, dreams and projects. If you maintain a quality of life where these kinds of things prevail, your inner balance will translate into outer beauty.

4. Always be well hydrated

How much water do you drink throughout the day? Being well hydrated is vital for our body, our skin and our health in general. Thanks to water, our organs are able to better optimize their functions, we purify toxins and all those harmful elements that inflame us and make us age.

Therefore, it is very important that you drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day. If it costs you a bit, feel free to add a little lemon juice. Delicious!

5. Do you do the same thing every day? Get out of the routine!

Sunglasses on the sand

We know that it is not easy to do. We all have daily obligations, but it is important that, from time to time, you get out of your routine. Monotony, not having new stimuli to enjoy or learn with, causes our body and brain to fall into a very low level of activation.

Not having stimuli that enrich us makes us feel dull, discouraged. Keep in mind that our brain needs daily incentives with which to stay strong and young.

So, don’t hesitate and dedicate an hour or two a day to yourself. Go out, take a walk, sign up for courses, read, enjoy … Organize a trip from time to time where you can experience new sensations. The illusion, learning and enriching stimuli keep us young and vital.

6. Do you sleep badly at night?

Woman with insomnia

Enjoying a peaceful and restful sleep makes us wake up in the morning rested and looking radiant. Try to follow some appropriate guidelines to get a good rest:

  • Make sure your dinners are light and two hours before going to sleep.
  • Turn off your computer and mobile two hours before going to bed.
  • Take a half hour walk.
  • Take a hot shower.
  • Drink an infusion of rose tea with lemon balm.
  • Read a book and let the dream come to you little by little.

Put these simple tips into practice and enjoy a better quality of life. The passage of time will be much kinder to you.

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