5 Ways To Overcome The Fear Of Uncertainty

The fear of uncertainty is not pleasant and creates stress about not having the unpredictable future under control. How to deal with it?

Have you ever been afraid of the future, not knowing what will happen? Have the worries that invaded you when projecting yourself overcome you? If so, you may have suffered what is known as fear of uncertainty.

There are situations in which one does not know what will happen : if you leave your job, will you find another? Can you risk abandoning everything and choose to carry out the project you have in mind?

It is not possible to know what the future will be like, but the fear of uncertainty can paralyze and cause you to not leave your comfort zone . So … How to overcome it?

The fear of uncertainty can be learned to manage

As an article published by the European Journal of Social Psychology details , overcoming a fear is not an easy task; as it involves facing up to what terrifies you the most and moving on. For this reason, sometimes it is not possible to do it alone and you need the help of a psychology professional who offers you the appropriate techniques to advance along the way.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we give you some tips that you can apply as supplements to therapy to face the fear caused by uncertainty. Take note!

1. Accept the fear of uncertainty and get going

Get going and you will see how, little by little, you can move forward.

The fear of uncertainty can paralyze you, block you, and prevent you from moving on. Therefore, it is important that you learn to accept it and get going.

It is natural to be afraid of the unknown. When you take risks, things can go wrong or right. However, it is better to stay with the fact that, regardless of the result, one way or another you will learn from the experience.

Therefore, do not keep thinking about what would have happened if you had done it … Do it! It is better to dare and err. Moreover, as a well-known phrase says: “It is better to regret having tried than never to have dared.”

2. Focus on the present moment

Mindfulness practices help you focus on the present moment and realize the amount of time you spend on thoughts related to the past and the future. This, in reality, is a waste of time and prevents you from enjoying the different sensations that life offers you: eating, walking, noticing how the breeze caresses you, soaking up the colors … In appearance, simple things that are often ignored.

Woman looking at cloud between her hands

The fear of uncertainty can be combated by being in the now. Stop thinking about what will happen tomorrow, in those opinions of the people that throw you back and do not let you advance.

What do you want now? Do you want to do it? Then do it! Of course, keep in mind the consequences that may exist, because this will prevent you from falling into the role of the victim. If you make a decision, as Dr. Fabián Maero explains, you have to know that there are going to be consequences, be they good or bad.

3. Trust yourself more!

At times, you may lack self-confidence due to insecurities, fears, or opinions related to the environment.

If you have low self-esteem, this description will sound familiar. You are used to letting yourself be carried away by the recommendations of others, to not doing what you really want for fear of the consequences, to being rejected and disapproved of.

However, do you live for yourself or for other people? If you feel identified with this description, it is important that you begin to give your life the importance it has. For this reason, we invite you to trust yourself more, in the capacities you have and to jump forward. You have potential in what makes you happy and in what, in addition, you stand out. And if you haven’t figured it out yet, don’t wait any longer to start looking.

4. In the face of any failure, treat yourself with affection

It would be a mistake to say that people dare to do something, they win. What’s more, more times than you would like, failure comes sooner.

However, this should not stop you from facing any project that you propose. The fear of uncertainty, sometimes, makes failures to be conceived as “not around here. But… what if out there, yes?

Some people who have become famous for their innovations and creations had to face uncertainty and failure. Without going any further, former president and close friend of Steve Jobs, Jay Elliot, wrote The Steve Jobs Path ; detailing the journey that the businessman followed, where his falls are shown and how he became a winner. So don’t beat yourself up or blame yourself if things don’t go your way the first time. Learn from mistakes, because they will be the key to future success.

5. Find what motivates you

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If you are so afraid of uncertainty, perhaps the reason is that you have not yet found what really motivates you because, once you do, you will not stop. And to know what your motivations are, where you want to go and what you want to achieve, you first have to know yourself.

Then start setting short-term goals for yourself and you will appreciate the pleasant feeling that comes over you when you finally reach them. 

Of course, think that the goals you set have to be realistic. There is no use dreaming of achieving something if it is impossible; since you will only accentuate the fear of uncertainty.

Overcoming the fear of uncertainty: one more step to overcome

Now that you know the keys to open the door that keeps you paralyzed, you are ready to overcome the fear of uncertainty. A fear that is not real, that resides in one’s personal insecurities and is the result of those negative experiences.

Also, if you find that you just can’t cope with it, don’t whip yourself. Asking for professional help is a good option to start working on it and tackle it today.

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