10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Pistachios

Pistachios are a variety of small and dry fruit, that is, they contain little water. These fruits occur on pistachio or alfócigo trees, whose scientific name is Pistaciaceae . This tree has its origin in Central Asia and Asia Minor, and with the passage of time it spread to other territories.

Today, it is a popular nut that can be eaten raw or used as an ingredient in dishes and desserts. In addition, as data is collected in SELF Nutrition Data, it has a high amount of nutrients such as:

  • Vitamins (E, folic acid, thiamine)
  • Minerals (copper, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron)
  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Fatty acids

The color of the pistachio is purple with green pulp, covered by a hard shell and split in half. E sta shell can break easily, although occasionally the result may be completely covered by the shell. Next, ten reasons why it is advisable to consume them will be explained. If you have any questions, we recommend that you consult a nutritionist.

1. They contribute to reducing the risk of diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which there is excess sugar in the blood, which is also known as high glucose. Pistachios, by providing dietary fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants, can help control high glucose levels.

In fact, a study published through The Review of Diabetic Studies , concluded that consuming pistachios as a snack has a positive effect on controlling the glycemic index, blood pressure, obesity and inflammation in diabetic patients.

2. Pistachios help prevent heart disease

They contain healthy fats that can help prevent heart disease. An investigation published in the journal Acta BioMedica , determined that the consumption of pistachios favors the reduction of high levels of total cholesterol and bad cholesterol. In turn, it helps increase good cholesterol (HDL).

On the other hand, this food contains the amino acid L-arginine, which is converted into nitric oxide in the body. Thanks to this, it helps promote the health of blood vessels and intervenes in the prevention of vascular stiffness.

3. Support weight management

Control weight

Pistachios can be a healthy snack when the goal is to lose weight. Thanks to their content of dietary fiber and protein, they help to increase the feeling of satiety and, with this, they could reduce the need to overeat between meals.

The benefits are even greater when it is consumed with peel. A study reported in the journal Appetite found that individuals who ate shelled pistachios consumed 41% fewer calories than people who ate shelled pistachios.

4. They provide fiber

Pistachios contain up to three grams of fiber for each 28-gram serving. For this reason, its regular intake helps to improve digestion and the activity of healthy bacteria in the intestine.

Specifically, it works as a prebiotic food, that is, it feeds the intestinal microbiota. Research published in the British Journal of Nutrition  showed that eating pistachios increases the number of butyrate-producing bacteria in the gut, even more than almonds.

5. They help eye health

Favors the view

Due to its content of lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin E and vitamin B2, pistachios reduce the risk of visual diseases. According to information published in the American Optometric Association, these substances help reduce the chances of developing eye conditions, such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

6. They contribute to the care of bones

Studies done in rodents allowed observing beneficial effects of pistachios on bone density. The publication made in FASEB Journal , highlighted that this food contains calcium, proteins, fatty acids and several phenolic antioxidants that are decisive in the maintenance and development of bones.

However, the evidence is still limited and it is a subject that requires further investigation. Despite this, pistachios can be included as part of a diet to take care of bone health.

7. They help to have strong teeth

Strong teeth

The calcium content of pistachios is also beneficial for dental health. While it cannot cure tooth disease, it does help keep your teeth looking strong and looking good.

8. They are useful for hair care

Thanks to its high content of fatty acids, proteins and antioxidants, this variety of nuts turns out to be a good complement for hair care. According to a publication in  Nutrition Today , they have a higher proportion of essential amino acids than any other nut.

As some know, proteins and amino acids are essential to keep the mane strong and flexible. Its adequate assimilation favors the control of weakness and fall.

9. They help prevent premature aging

Young condition and appearance thanks to pistachios

One way to keep our skin in good condition is by consuming pistachios. This is due to the vitamin E and antioxidants they contain, which provide defenses against UV rays and the aging process.

So, along with your cleansing and skincare routines, don’t forget how beneficial it is to eat pistachios to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.

You want to know more? Read: How to keep skin always young.

10. Help promote brain health

A study published in the FASEB Journal found a positive relationship between nut consumption and brain health. Specifically, these properties are attributed to its high contribution of flavonoid substances, which promote neurogenesis, improved blood flow and angiogenesis to stimulate the well-being of the brain.


Pistachios help take care of our body, from head to toe, which is why it is an ideal fruit for the diet. However, we must maintain a balance in our intake of pistachios. As good as they are, if we eat them in excess we can harm our health.

It is still important to make sure that we are not allergic to pistachios, since symptoms can be experienced immediately, for example:

  • Eruptions
  • Swelling
  • Urticaria
  • Respiratory problems

In conclusion

Pistachios contain vitamins and minerals that keep our body healthy, but you have to eat them in good condition and be sure you are not allergic to them.

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