The Benefits You May Not Have Known About Himalayan Salt

Have you heard of Himalayan salt? While it is true that we all know the negative effects of common salt on our health, the use of this variant is becoming more and more widespread due to its benefits. It is called ‘white gold’ and it is considered the purest and most contaminant-free salt that we can find on the market.

It is originally from Pakistan and is usually marketed in the form of ‘pink crystal’, so that we can grind it before consuming it. Would you like to know everything that Himalayan salt can do for you? We explain it to you!

A pure and more natural mineral: Himalayan salt

The first thing you may be wondering is where you can find Himalayan salt. It is very possible that you cannot buy it in your usual supermarket, but you will find it in herbalists or natural stores.

Salt of the Himalayas, authentic , comes from a mine Jherum district in Pakistan. It has been appreciated since ancient times for its purity and for its composition based on minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur oxide, iron, manganese, fluorine, iodine, zinc and chromium. Contains up to 84 natural components!

Differences between Himalayan salt and common table salt

The salt that we all have at home, and whose consumption we should regulate, is chemically treated. What is done is to purify it to the maximum to convert it into sodium chloride, so it is no longer a nutrient.

The same thing happens with refined salt as with white sugar.  Far from providing us with any benefit, what it does is inflame us  and alter the function of many of our organs.

Today, a  large part of the food we consume contains this type of salt, such as canned food, pre-cooked dishes, frozen foods, appetizers or snacks, and sausages. Even industrial pastries are rich in salt, as it enhances the flavor even more.

An alternative to table salt would undoubtedly be sea salt. Now, do you know what the basic problem with sea salt is? Today, our oceans also contain many toxins derived from oil or plastic dumping.

Himalayan salt is a purer, natural alternative. The problem we would have in this case is that it can be a bit more expensive, due to its select origin. However, if we stopped taking the classic table salt, we would gain health.

Uses of Himalayan salt beyond the kitchen

Due to its purity, Himalayan salt can also be used to alleviate some health and skin problems. Let’s go over some of those uses.

The benefits of a Himalayan salt bath

Himalayan salt baths are highly recommended to relieve rheumatism pain, to treat skin problems, to revitalize the skin, and to relax and renew energy.

Thanks to its high content of essential minerals, it would be appropriate to prepare a hot and relaxing bath, at least once a month. In this way, we would open the pores so that the components of Himalayan salt enter our body.

Being such a pure and chemical-free mineral, we will obtain great benefits. To do this, just fill your bathtub and drop 200 grams of Himalayan salt. Soak in this healing water for half an hour.

However, at the moment there is not enough scientific evidence to show its effectiveness.

Salt washes to decongest

It is also popularly said that if you suffer from allergies, have a blocked nose or suffer from a sore throat, you can prepare a solution based on Himalayan salt. The amount necessary for this is  9 grams of salt per one liter of warm water.  As you can see, it is easy and fast to prepare.

You can wash yourself with a small plastic container or even gargle, in the case of your throat. You will see how soon you feel a great relief.

To treat acne


Thanks to its exfoliating, detoxifying action and its beneficial active principles, Himalayan salt is a remedy that can help reactivate skin health;  It is used to eliminate all kinds of impurities. To do this, you must do the following:

What I need?

  • 10 g of Himalayan salt.
  • 15 ml of water.
  • 2 drops of rosehip essential oil, ideal for healing.
  • 1 cotton pad.

How do I prepare it?

  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl  until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Soak in the cotton to give yourself a deep clean. Exfoliate and allow your skin to absorb this remedy.
  • Let it work for 10 minutes and then wash it off with fresh water. Do it for 3 days in a row and you will see what great results it offers you.

Is it appropriate to consume Himalayan salt?

Sea salt

We must never overlook that salt consumption is detrimental to our health. Now, if we had to choose between table salt and Himalayan salt, it is better to stick with the latter. Common salt contains only sodium chloride; nobody needs this element to live. On the contrary, it overloads the body and makes us sick.

For its part, Himalayan salt contains 84 essential components that are suitable for our body. It is like a kind of ‘primary sea’ capable of replenishing our electrolytes.

As this research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology points out , excessive consumption of Himalayan salt (like any product high in sodium) can pose certain health risks. beyond an increase in blood pressure,

In short, it is a natural alternative to common salt, but, obviously, it is still salt  and, therefore, an element that we should control in our diet. However, if you decide to buy it, you must make sure that it is the authentic one, the one that comes from the Jherum mine, and not from anywhere else in Pakistan.

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